4559 - New Jersey Railway Stocks Group [191228]Holabird Western Americana Collections
A group of thirteen stock certificates from various New Jersey railway and transportation companies, dating from 1869 to 1959. The companies represent
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 200.00
Sold to d*******f for (45.00 + 11.25BP) = 56.25
4560 - Salem Rail Road Stock, 1865 [193007]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Issued 1865 Salem Rail Road stock.
Country (if not USA):
State: New Jersey
Provenance: Ken Prag Collection
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 80.00 - 120.00
Sold to d*******f for (25.00 + 6.25BP) = 31.25
4561 - New Jersey RR Stocks, 3 [193016]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Issued stocks-1871 Swedesboro, 1895 South Jersey, 1864 Millville and Glassboro.
Country (if not USA):
State: New Jersey
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
Sold to t******2 for (40.00 + 10.00BP) = 50.00
4567 - Devil's Lake Steamboat Stocks, 190X [192568]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Group of approximately 38 unissued stock certificates from the Heerman's Devils Lake Line of Steamboats, all dated 190X. Certificates no. 62-100...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 80.00 - 120.00
Sold to t******2 for (70.00 + 17.50BP) = 87.50
4570 - Oregon Railroad Stocks, 4 [192077]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Issued-1907 Mount Hood Railroad-.5" lower crease tear, 1890 Oregon Improvement, 1908 Oregon Trunk Line. Unissued-Oregon Pacific and Eastern Ra...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 80.00 - 100.00
Sold to d*******r for (35.00 + 8.75BP) = 43.75
4576 - Misc. Railroad Stock Group [191382]Holabird Western Americana Collections
A group of eleven different stock certificates from various American railroad companies, dating from 1871 to 1921. Five of the stocks are unissued; th
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 200.00
Sold to d*******f for (40.00 + 10.00BP) = 50.00
4577 - Misc. Railway Stocks/Bonds, 1882-1917 [192956]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Group of 5 stock and bond certificates from various U.S. railway companies, dating 1882-1917. See photos for company names. 3 certs unissued, remainin
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 60.00 - 100.00
Sold to l********t.. for (35.00 + 8.75BP) = 43.75
4578 - Misc. U.S. Railroad Stocks Group [191443]Holabird Western Americana Collections
A collection of eleven stock and bond certificates from various United States railroad companies, dating from 1838 to 1921, eight issued, three unissu
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 400.00
Sold to d*******f for (90.00 + 22.50BP) = 112.50
4579 - Railroad Stock and Bond 1860's [191256]Holabird Western Americana Collections
1869 $1000 Blue Ridge Railroad bond with all coupons. Issued 1867 Marietta & Cincinnati Rail Road stock with adhesive RN and left side adhesive ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 250.00
Sold to w******o for (20.00 + 5.00BP) = 25.00
4580 - Railroad Stock Collection, 15 [191685]Holabird Western Americana Collections
15 mostly issued railroad stocks. c. 1880-1963 and mostly older. Cuba RR, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh Grafton and Mansfield, NY Ontario and Western, B ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 110.00 - 150.00
Sold to d*******f for (35.00 + 8.75BP) = 43.75
4582 - Panama Rail Road Stock Pair, 1872 [189806]Holabird Western Americana Collections
2 I/C 1872 Panama Rail Road stocks with imprinted U1 revenue stamps. The Panama Rail Road carried the passengers, crew and gold from S S Sonora across
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 110.00 - 200.00
Sold to d*******f for (90.00 + 22.50BP) = 112.50
4588 - Los Angeles Bonds, 1924 and 1930 [192354]Holabird Western Americana Collections
1924 electric plant and 1930 water works.
Country (if not USA):
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Provenance: Ken Prag Collect
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 50.00 - 70.00
Sold to d*******f for (15.00 + 3.75BP) = 18.75
4590 - Nevada County Stock Group, 186X-1924 [191910]Holabird Western Americana Collections
A group of 17 stock certificates, dated 1860s-1924, from two companies based in Nevada City, California: the Newtown Mining Company (14) and National
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 120.00
Sold to d*******f for (25.00 + 6.25BP) = 31.25
4595 - SoCal Stock Certificates (18) [192702]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Stock certificates from Southern California, include nine issued by Chino Odd Fellows Hall Association, some with revenue stamps affixed. There are al
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
Sold to t******2 for (95.00 + 23.75BP) = 118.75
4597 - Capital Woolen Stocks, 45 [192196]Holabird Western Americana Collections
About 15 issued c. 1870-78 Capital Woolen stock, no RN stamps.
Country (if not USA):
State: California
City: Sacramento
Provenance: Ke
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 120.00 - 150.00
Sold to d*******f for (20.00 + 5.00BP) = 25.00
4598 - Borden Company Stock Certificate [192506]Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is an uncancelled stock certificate issued by The Borden Company to Frank & Rena Duarte for 46 shares at $3.75 per. This is dated May 7, 19...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 50.00 - 100.00
Sold to d*******f for (20.00 + 5.00BP) = 25.00
4601 - Hetch Hetchy Water Bonds, 4 [192356]Holabird Western Americana Collections
4x Hetch Hetchy water bonds. 2x 1925, 1932, 1948.
Country (if not USA):
State: California
City: San Francisco
Provenance: Ken Prag Col
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 120.00 - 180.00
Sold to d*******r for (95.00 + 23.75BP) = 118.75
4602 - San Francisco Bond Trio, 1908 [193213]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Group of 3 $1000 bonds issued by the City and County of San Francisco: a school bond, a sewer bond, and a fire protection bond. All three are dated 19
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 200.00
Sold to t********n for (35.00 + 8.75BP) = 43.75
4606 - California Lumber Stocks, Huge Lot [192161]Holabird Western Americana Collections
A group of 111 stock certificates, dated 1900-1945, from five California lumber companies: the Mendocino Lumber Company (41), Panama Lumber and Mill C
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 250.00
Sold to d*********m for (80.00 + 20.00BP) = 100.00
4608 - California Stocks and Bank Note (3) [191723]Holabird Western Americana Collections
This lot has 100 shares of The Players Guild of San Francisco issued 1928. A stock for 300 shares of the Wireless Spitzescope Company dated 1920. A ba
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 50.00 - 120.00
Sold to l****i for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50