Bass Head Harbor Light House Painting

Currency:USD Category:Western Americana / Art - Paintings Start Price:100.00 USD Estimated At:200.00 - 300.00 USD
Bass Head Harbor Light House Painting
100.00USDto p*******8+ buyer's premium (25.00)
This item SOLD at 2018 May 09 @ 13:06UTC-7 : PDT/MST
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Bass Head Harbor lighthouse on Mt. Desert Isle by Earl B. Holdren. Oil painting on canvas board. 11.5" x 15.25", framed 15" x 19. Holdren studied art, design and advertising at Carnegie Institute of Technology and the Art Institute of Pittsburgh during the early 1930s. After working briefly as an artist and freelance designer in New York and Pittsburgh, he had turned to a full-time career in advertising by the middle of that decade while continuing to paint and exhibit on an occasional basis in Pittsburgh. He moved to Rochester, NY in 1944 and was painting in Canandaigua Lake Country. He had a studio in Gorham, Ontario County, New York. He has had works in the Rochester Memorial Art Gallery. HWAC# 61554 Date: 1954 Location: Rochester, New York