California Early Copper Mining Stocks, 4, 1863-65 [191245]

Currency:USD Category:Coins & Paper Money / Stock & Bond - Mining Start Price:400.00 USD Estimated At:800.00 - 1,500.00 USD
California Early Copper Mining Stocks, 4, 1863-65 [191245]
FINAL AUCTION RECORD The Auctioneer’s podium notes serve as the final, legally binding record of the auction results, superseding any electronic bidding records. See Terms and Conditions
All issued.

1)1863 Lady Bell Copper Mining with nice vignette. Low Divide District, Del Norte County, Cal. (printed on the top and bottom left). Inc. July 24th, 1863. No. 95, issued for 50 shares to George Robinson on Oct. 15th, 1863 in San Francisco. Signed by president BH Freeman and secretary John A. Bray. Not cancelled. Black border and print. Vignette of woman (left), eagle head (bottom center), and mine (top center). Printed by Buswell & Co. Folds, creases, heavy toning. 5.25 x 9.75" Not in Filer or Holabird indexes. Mentioned in a Daily Alta California Sept. 24, 1864 report of the Del Norte Mines. The author visits the site of the Lady Bell, near the north fork of the Smith River. "This is quite an important location, from the magnitude of the undertaking to open the mine, and the fact that the ground embraces two distinct veins— one 600 feet from the mouth of the tunnel, the other 1,600... Both veins seem reliable. Hence, the first will be cut at 600 feet below the surface; the second at 900."

2)1863 Down East Copper Mining with adhesive RN. Alabaster District, El Dorado County (printed on left border). Dateline Wild Goose Flat! Inc. May 1863. No. 83, issued for 10 shares to D. Hoogins on Aug. 16th, 1863. Signed by president J. McBride and the secretary (illegible). Not cancelled. Black border and print, green background. Two vignettes: Native American (left) and small vignette of ships (center). Printed by HS Crocker & Co., Sacramento. One 25 cent IR adhesive stamp attached sideways at upper left. Minor bleed-thru of ink from the reverse, otherwise excellent condition. 4.25 x 9.25" Rare district and dateline! Wild Goose Flat was located on a plateau above the American River near Georgetown. Raymond (1875) notes that it has contributed "vast sums of gold to the coffers of the world." Burchard (1883) has only one mention of Wild Goose Flat, saying that Mr. Zentgraf has completed a 5-stamp mill on his quartz mining property there (pg. 46).

3)1863 Spread Eagle Copper Mining. Saginaw District, Sacramento Co. (printed under logo). Inc. July 17, 1863. Dateline Sacramento, August 3, 1863. No. 53, issued for 20 shares to Richard Ireland. Signed by the president, FA Park, and secretary Chambers. Not cancelled. Patriotic vignettes of an eagle and a flag-draped woman. Printed by H.S. Crocker & Co., Sacramento. Folds, creases corner, heavy toning. Not in Filer. We could not easily locate more information about this company or the Saginaw District of Sacramento County. We could find reference to a Spread Eagle copper mine in Shasta County: "Twenty-two unpatented claims in Sec. 13, T. 33, N., R. 6 W ; owned by W. C. Onn & Sons, of Copley. About 1500 feet of tunnels, mainly driven by the Scottish American Syndicate, of Denver, Col., under bond, show considerable bodies of ore, including some of excellent grade. The country rock is heavily charged with sulphides." [Ref: The Copper Resources of California, Aubury, 1902]

4)1865 Well Copper Mining with hydraulic mining vignette. Very rare. "Location--Prettyman's Ranch, Zinc House Dist., Nevada Co." (printed on right border). Inc. June 10, 1863. No. 96, issued to HH Dobbins on January 3rd, 1865. Dateline Prettyman's Ranch, Nevada Co. Signed by president A. Harris and secretary Isiah Heacock. Not cancelled. Black border and print, tow mining vignette. Five 5 cent adhesive stamps attached at upper left. 5 x 9.5" No printer listed. Deep folds. We found mention of the Zinc House District in Knight's Pacific Coast Directory, 1864. He mentions that there are 50 or so copper lodes being prospected there. A March 15th, 1865 Grass Valley Daily Union article mentions this company is operating at Spenceville in Nevada County. We also found mention of the Well Copper MC having copper specimens at the 10th Annual California State Agricultural Society Fair in 1863.

Date: 1863-65
Country (if not USA):
State: California