1401 - Gamma Ray Logging Probe [124490]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Probably down hole gamma ray logging probe lead. No instrument. No instructions, no extras. With original hard shell case. Probably 1970s.
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 10.00 | Estimate : 70.00 - 200.00
1408 - California Stereoviews (14) [185815]Holabird Western Americana Collections
14 California stereoviews. 3x San Francisco 1906 earthquake, 1898 Spanish American War parade, c. 1890's vineyard, Cap of Liberty, logging, oran...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
Sold to d*********m for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1410 - Concord Bakery & Saloon Photo 1880s [173149]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Photo of the Concord Bakery & Saloon taken in the 1880s. This is the original stick built building constructed in 1880. It was replaced in 1884 ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 500.00
Sold to p****5 for (120.00 + 30.00BP) = 150.00
1411 - Photographs (3) Topaz Lake [175304]Holabird Western Americana Collections
3x B&W Photographs, Cowboys rounding up cattle to Low Banks, near Topaz Lake on Highway 395 (handwritten on back of photograph). Photos taken by...
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 10.00 | Estimate : 80.00 - 100.00
1415 - Yosemite Park Stereoviews (21) [185817]Holabird Western Americana Collections
21 Yosemite stereoviews. Driving thru a tree in Mariposa Grove, Glacier Point, Mirror Lake, The Valley, Mt. Watkins, Ribbon Falls etc. Nice group.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
Sold to d*******f for (20.00 + 5.00BP) = 25.00
1417 - Colorado Cabinet Cards (3) [185801]Holabird Western Americana Collections
3 Colorado cabinet cards. 4.25x6.5" 1888 school portrait by Teeple. 4.25 x 7.25"-2x Cheyenne Canon by W E Hook.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
Sold to d*******f for (15.00 + 3.75BP) = 18.75
1418 - Pikes Peak Photographs, 1920 (2) [180980]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Presentation folder (8 x 10 inches): Pikes Peak via The World Famous Cog Road. Inside are two black & white photos: looking up at the Peak &...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 80.00 - 160.00
Sold to d*******r for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1419 - Florida Stereoviews (7) [185813]Holabird Western Americana Collections
7 Florida stereoviews. St. Augustine, Lake Worth, Paw Paw tree, Jacksonville, Palmetto trees, Tampa Bay Hotel.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 60.00 - 90.00
Sold to d*********m for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1423 - Wardner, Idaho Birdseye Photo c1902 [174996]Holabird Western Americana Collections
c. 1902 birdseye photo of Kellog Peak at Wardener, ID. Photo 7.25x9". Small upper right dogear, small upper left tear & wear. Mat has larg...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 500.00
Sold to p********n for (130.00 + 32.50BP) = 162.50
1424 - Chicago Stereoviews (4) [185818]Holabird Western Americana Collections
4 Chicago stereoviews. 2x Globe at Washington Park by Underwood, State St. by Intl. View, Washington Park by Intl. View. [Chicago Illinois
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 10.00 | Estimate : 50.00 - 70.00
1425 - Iowa Stereoviews 4 [185819]Holabird Western Americana Collections
4 Iowa stereoviews. Lover's Leap Bridge, Highwater Fairgrounds, Columbus Jct. church by Baker, East for Col. Jet.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 50.00 - 80.00
Sold to d*********m for (15.00 + 3.75BP) = 18.75
1427 - Fred Hills Portrait c1900s [146231]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Photograph portrait of a man named Fred Hills. The photograph was taken by the Studio of Adrian C. Tuttle in Belfast, Maine. Adrian Tuttle was born in
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to d*******f for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1428 - Massachusetts Stereoviews (9) [185812]Holabird Western Americana Collections
9 Massachusetts stereoviews with a few large format. Best is clipper ships in Boston Harbor. 2x State House, Daily Advertiser, Boston Common, Soldie...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 60.00 - 90.00
Sold to d*******f for (30.00 + 7.50BP) = 37.50
1429 - Basin, Montana Photo by Robertson [175007]Holabird Western Americana Collections
3.5 x 4.5 in photo of Basin, Mt from above showing the town. Photo by C B Robertson, Boulder, Mont. Small upper left dogear & small lower left c...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 500.00
Sold to p********n for (50.00 + 12.50BP) = 62.50
1430 - Montana Stereoviews (14) [185821]Holabird Western Americana Collections
14 Montana stereoviews. Hunting, Grand Falls, trout fishing, Yellowstone, geysers etc. Some with low contrast, please inspect.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
Sold to m*****d for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1431 - Spring Valley Photos (3) [178099]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Spring Valley is in the Lovelock area. 3x Rochester Process repro 8x10" photos of a dredge, house & burros carrying timber. [Spring Valley ...
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 10.00 | Estimate : 50.00 - 80.00
1432 - New Hampshire Stereoviews (6) [185811]Holabird Western Americana Collections
6 New Hampshire stereoviews. Jacob's Ladder, Crawford House, Bourne's Monument, Echo Lake, Twin Mountain House, White Mountain Railroad. So...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 60.00 - 120.00
Sold to d*********m for (15.00 + 3.75BP) = 18.75
1436 - Utah Stereoviews 6 [185810]Holabird Western Americana Collections
6 Utah stereoviews. Devil's Slide, SLC Temple, Weber Canyon, Cottonwood Canyon etc. Some with low contrast, please inspect.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 60.00 - 100.00
Sold to d*********m for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1443 - Kids at Play Photo 1890s [186347]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Photos of children at play in what appears to be a mill. The photo measures 4"x 5" & is in very nice condition.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
Sold to c*********p for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1445 - San Francisco Earthquake Books (5) [170067]Holabird Western Americana Collections
This lot contains five books, four of which cover the famous earthquake of 1906, while the fifth one covers the history & construction of the ic...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 220.00 - 400.00
Sold to b********t.. for (35.00 + 8.75BP) = 43.75
1451 - Historical Books (2) [160630]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Hardcover Behind the Times by Diamond, softcover John Profumo & Christine Keeler 1963.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 20.00 - 40.00
Sold to w**********e for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1454 - World History Books (14) [168479]Holabird Western Americana Collections
14 World History books. Starcks Gebetbuch, 2x The Outline of History by H G Wells, A History of the 19th Century by Emerson Jr Vols 1-3, Fodors Great
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
Sold to m*****d for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1455 - World History Books (5) [156074]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Lot of 5 different books related to world history. A) From Pillar to Post by Lieut.-Colonel H.C. Lowther. Published in 1911. 307 pages. B) Strange La
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 30.00 - 80.00
Sold to w**********e for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1463 - Encyclopedia Britannica c1977 (19) [105457]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Lot of 19 Encyclopedia Britannica includes Micropedia & Macropedia, includes both indexes. 20 Books in all. Dedicated by permission to Jimmy Car...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 60.00 - 200.00
Sold to w**********e for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1464 - Reference Books (9) 1960-76 [106253]Holabird Western Americana Collections
2 Volumes of Britannica World Language Edition of Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary. 6 Volumes of The Book of The Year, 1961-1966, heavily ill...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 50.00 - 100.00
Sold to w**********e for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1468 - Biographies Mostly US (7) [159009]Holabird Western Americana Collections
7 mostly US biographies. Unholy Alliance by Sekulow & signed by author. Dancing for Diaghilev, The Memoirs of Lydia Sokolova. American Pioneers ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 60.00 - 200.00
Sold to w**********e for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1475 - Wildlife Books 6 [179387]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Ornithology by Stresemann, Wildflowers at a Glance by King, The Butterfly Guide by Holland, Last of the Curlews by Bodsworth, Flying Feathers by Bigel
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 120.00 - 200.00
Sold to w**********e for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1476 - Cacti of the Southwest Book [181946]Holabird Western Americana Collections
"Cacti of the Southwest - Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, & Louisiana," Del Weniger, 1970. 64 pages of color photographs, 242 p...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
Sold to s*******t for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1477 - Science & Nature Books (14) [180357]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Nature & science book group, including Hidden Wilderness, The River Nile, Wild Chimpanzees, Vanishing People of the Earth & more. All appear...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 40.00 - 60.00
Sold to w**********e for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1481 - Medical Books Mostly Ortho (6) [150498]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Lot of 6 hardcovers. Pictorial Handbook of Fracture Treatment by Compere, 1943 351pp with index, x-rays & illustrations. The Painful Low Back by...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 50.00 - 300.00
Sold to w**********e for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1485 - Poultry & Farming Publications (4) [183954]Holabird Western Americana Collections
1956 Timely Topic on Poultry Management-poultry keeping in New England, 135pp & 1956 edition, 224pp. 1937 Vermont agriculture pamphlet. 1932 Mod...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 70.00 - 100.00
Sold to w**********e for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1486 - Time-Life Books (21) [180352]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Time Life books featuring topics like Greece, Italy & The United States & historical periods like The Reformation, Imperial Rome & more....
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 60.00 - 80.00
Sold to w**********e for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1487 - Time-Life Books THE SEAFARERS [185839]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Series of 20 Volumes, from Vikings to Explorer, Pirates to U-boats, & Windjammers to Great Liners, covering every facet of sailing. - Each volum...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 70.00 - 150.00
Sold to w**********e for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1490 - Collectibles Reference Library (23) [182969]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Nice group of 23 collectibles books. Art of the Old West. Collectible Advertising. Persuasive Images. Fountain Pens. Oak Furniture. 2xAmericana. Flapp
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to b*******n for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1494 - Curious Books (5) [177976]Holabird Western Americana Collections
A group of five books, including a pictorial of Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, California, a bio of George Washington, a 1901 edition of Great
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 70.00 - 100.00
Sold to v*******l for (10.00 + 2.50BP) = 12.50
1499 - Clive Cussler Novels (7) [181769]Holabird Western Americana Collections
Clive Cussler novels , all but one are hardcover. They're in near new condition. Please see photos for more details.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 50.00 - 80.00
Sold to d*******f for (15.00 + 3.75BP) = 18.75