Cornucopia of Collectibles- 2018 October Auction

Auction Details

A Five Day Marathon including practically every Collecting Category that we have ever covered.
DAY 1 Thursday Oct 18

Native Americana 1000-1012
Posters 1013-1024
Entertainment Industry 1025-1040
Bronze Sculptures1041-1053
Furniture & related Items 1054-1077
Art 1078-1166
Bottles 1167-1215
Saloon 1216-1221
Taxidermy 1222-1223
Gaming 1224-1230
Political 1231-1238
Bargains & Dealer Specials of all sorts! 1239-1659

Day 2 Friday October 19

Badges 2000-2025
Belt Buckles 2027-2055
Numismatics 2056-2390
Ingots 2056-2068
Coins 2069-2191
Currency& Scrip 2192-2201
Medals 2202-2369
Scales 2370-2381
Misc 2382-2390
Jewelry 2391-2409
Tokens 2410-2590
Dies 2591-2658
Minerals 2659-2678

Day 3 Saturday October 20

Geographical Sorted 3000-3691
Military 3682 - 3741

Day 4 Sunday October 21

Firearms & Weaponry 4000-4023
Cowboy 4024-4035
Tools 4037-4045
Toys 4046-4047
Automotive Stocks 4048-4201
Checks 4202-4245
Directories 4246-4401
Gold Rush 4402-4411
Pens & Pencils 4412-4428
Spoons 4429-4466
World’s Fairs & Expositions 4467-4508
Locks & Keys 4509-4511
General Americana, Miscellaneous 4513-4567

Day 5 Monday October 22

General Americana, Geographically Sorted 5000-5378
Foreign 5379-5383
Railroadiana etc 5384-5686
Wells Fargo & Express 5687-5691
Postal History 5692-5702
SHIPPING & HANDLING: Shipping and Handling cannot be estimated prior to invoicing, based on the size and weight of your purchase. All shipping is subject to a minimum charge of $19.00. If additional shipping and handling costs are required, the buyer will be reinvoiced for the balance due. Items are not shipped until the invoice is completely paid. Many buyers purchase a number of lots. Every effort will be made to include all lots in a single shipping charge calculated to cover the weight and size of the package(s). NOTE: Some shipments (of unusual size, dimension, or weight) may require sp...
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Regent Mining Company Stock3411 - Regent Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 400 for 50 shares to HS Stone(?) trustee. Signed by president CS Weller and secretary Elliot. 1881. Incorporated November 10, 1881. Location Devil...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 60.00 - 120.00
Sold to d**********3 for (50.00 + 12.50BP) = 62.50
Shaw Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock3412 - Shaw Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This company is listed as being in the Harmony & Sonoma Mining Districts in Humboldt County. Number 15 for 10 shares to John B Henry. Datelined ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 800.00
Sold to V********e for (300.00 + 66.00BP) = 366.00
Norcross Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock with RARE dateline3413 - Norcross Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock with RARE dateline
Holabird Western Americana Collections
You don't find a dateline like this again: Central Mill 1863. # 86 for 10 shares to William B Summer. Signed by secretary H Coltrin and presiden...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 1,000.00
Sold to m********r for (1,000.00 + 250.00BP) = 1,250.00
Photographic Record of the Nevada Consolidated Operation3414 - Photographic Record of the Nevada Consolidated Operation
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Twelve large original photo albums comprised of approximately 1,076 8x10-inch photographs made expressly for Nevada Consolidated Copper Co., circa 190
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 10,000.00 | Estimate : 20,000.00 - 30,000.00
Bullion Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock3415 - Bullion Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 69 for 2 shares to E Arnold. Datelined San Francisco 1863. Signed by secretary Bibbins and president GWB McDonald. Incorporated August 24, 1861. Vig
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 600.00 - 1,000.00
Sold to p********n for (1,000.00 + 220.00BP) = 1,220.00
Crescent Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock3416 - Crescent Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 228 for 10 shares to Arnold & Brother. Datelined San Francisco 1862. Signed by secretary Bibbins and president Warren Holt. Incorporated May 8...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 600.00 - 1,000.00
Sold to i*****l for (1,050.00 + 262.50BP) = 1,312.50
Golden Rule Color Map3417 - Golden Rule Color Map
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Map of properties that constitute the Golden Rule Consolidated Mine in the Eureka District. Drawn by T. J. Read, Superintendent of the Eureka Consolid
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to l******8 for (40.00 + 10.00BP) = 50.00
Omega Mining Company3418 - Omega Mining Company
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Early number 25 for 10o shares to TJ Hay trustee. Signed by secretary TJ Hay and president George O McMullen(?). Datelined San Francisco 1879. Incorpo
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 50.00 | Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Ruby Hill Tunnel and Milling Company Stock3419 - Ruby Hill Tunnel and Milling Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 467 for 8700 shares in 1896 to A Laird. Laird was a miner at Prospect Mountain in the 1880 census. Signed by future governor Reinhold Sadler as pres
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 60.00 - 200.00
Sold to i*****s for (30.00 + 7.50BP) = 37.50
Orange Consolidated Mining Company Stock3420 - Orange Consolidated Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 164 for 50 shares to JA Nesbitt. Signed by secretary EH Roxford and president James Nesbitt. Datelined San Francisco 1877. Incorporated Dec 30, 1872
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to V********e for (60.00 + 13.20BP) = 73.20
Whalen Consolidated Copper Mining Company3421 - Whalen Consolidated Copper Mining Company
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 464 for 20 shares to Daniel A Talcott. Signed by George Pulluvant (?) secretary and William Whalen president.Datelined Chicago. Final year of date i
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 60.00 - 200.00
Sold to V********e for (30.00 + 6.60BP) = 36.60
Three Assay Reports from the Assay Office of the Richmond Mining Company3422 - Three Assay Reports from the Assay Office of the Richmond Mining Company
Holabird Western Americana Collections
1) December 22, 1883 assay report. Includes assays for Oriental & Belmont ($58.56) and the Dunderberg ($95.90) 2) August 21, 1885 assay report....
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 50.00 - 100.00
Sold to r***6 for (25.00 + 6.25BP) = 31.25
Treasure Hill Map, Fairview, Nevada3423 - Treasure Hill Map, Fairview, Nevada
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Blueprint map "Plan of Fairview Treasure Hill Group, Fifteen Lode Mining Claims." Churchill County, Nevada. January 1909. Drawn by E. P. O...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 50.00 - 100.00
Sold to r***6 for (25.00 + 6.25BP) = 31.25
Gold Creek, Nevada Consolidated Lodes Mining Stock Certificate (NV. Ghost Town)3424 - Gold Creek, Nevada Consolidated Lodes Mining Stock Certificate (NV. Ghost Town)
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Inc. in Colorado. Located in Gold Creek, Elko County, Nevada. No. 333, issued for 250 shares to Frances Tichener on April 6, 1897. Signed by the presi
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 100.00 - 300.00
Sold to s*********a for (50.00 + 12.50BP) = 62.50
Gold Creek, Nevada Townsite Company Stock (NV. Ghost Town) Certificate3425 - Gold Creek, Nevada Townsite Company Stock (NV. Ghost Town) Certificate
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Inc. in Colorado. Located in Gold Creek, Elko County, Nevada. No. 329, issued for 50 shares to Frances Tichener on April 6, 1897. Signed by the presid
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 100.00 - 300.00
Sold to 9***6 for (130.00 + 32.50BP) = 162.50
Buena Ventura Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock3426 - Buena Ventura Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Early number 12 for 100 shares to HH Flagg. Datelined Virginia 1863. Signed by secretary Clement and president Corson (acting). Incorporated May 5, 18
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 800.00
Sold to V********e for (350.00 + 77.00BP) = 427.00
Cincinnati Gold and Silver mIning Company Stock3427 - Cincinnati Gold and Silver mIning Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
#45 for 25 shares to JD Fry. Datelined Gold Hill 1864. Signed by William Hunt secretary and WB Scott president. Mountain mining vignette. Printed by t
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 800.00
Sold to 2*****l for (325.00 + 81.25BP) = 406.25
Coppers Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock3428 - Coppers Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 77 for 5 shares to A Dubois. Datelined Gold Hill N. T. 1863. Signed by secretary OH Platt and president WH Howard. Incorporated March 1863. Location
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 800.00
Sold to 2*****l for (325.00 + 81.25BP) = 406.25
Forcade & Rickard Gold and Silver Mining Company Stock3429 - Forcade & Rickard Gold and Silver Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 51 for 25 shares to A Dubois. Datelined Gold Hill 1863. Signed by A Lukin and president Jacob Forcade. Underground mining, ore cart vignette and sma
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 700.00
Sold to j******d for (275.00 + 68.75BP) = 343.75
Golden Wedge Silver Mining Company Stock Cert NUMBER 13430 - Golden Wedge Silver Mining Company Stock Cert NUMBER 1
Holabird Western Americana Collections
First stock certificate issued by this company. For 250 shares to CS Camp. Signed by Joseph P Nourse as secretary and AF Scott as president. Incorpora
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 800.00
Sold to j******d for (350.00 + 87.50BP) = 437.50
GonGo Soco Gold and Silver Mining Company Stock - NUMBER 13431 - GonGo Soco Gold and Silver Mining Company Stock - NUMBER 1
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Number 1! For 10 shares to Richard Peters. Datelined Gold Hill, N. T. 1864. Signed by Charles Quinn(?) and president Thomas Floyd. Incorporated Februa
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 800.00
Sold to d**********3 for (250.00 + 62.50BP) = 312.50
Jenny Lind Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock3432 - Jenny Lind Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
#114 for 10 shares to HH Flagole. Datelined Virginia 1864. Signed by MJ Power and WT (?). Incorporated Jan. 16, 1864. Mountain mining vignette. Printe
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 800.00
Sold to 2*****l for (325.00 + 81.25BP) = 406.25
Mechanics Gold, Silver and Copper Mining Company Stock3433 - Mechanics Gold, Silver and Copper Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
#176 for 15 shares to CH Foster. Datelined Virginia, N. T. 1863. Signed by president A (?) and secretary CS Chaffee. Incorporated Aug. 5, 1863. Eagle
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 700.00
Sold to 2*****l for (325.00 + 81.25BP) = 406.25
New York Mining Company Stock3434 - New York Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 10038 for 50 shares to HH Noble & Co. trustees. Signed by secretary DL Thomas and president C Weller. Dateline San francisco 1878. Incorporate...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to V********e for (100.00 + 22.00BP) = 122.00
North Goodman G & S Mining Company Stock3435 - North Goodman G & S Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 1971 for 50 shares to CN Taylor. Datelined Gold Hill 1875. Signed by secretary William Henry and president William Havenor. Rare printer - Brown &...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to V********e for (110.00 + 24.20BP) = 134.20
Pilot Mining Company Stock3436 - Pilot Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 45 for 10 shares to NO Arrington. Datelined Virginia N. T. 1864. Signed by secretary WK Cutter and president James Wilson. Incorporation date not gi
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 700.00
Sold to p********n for (275.00 + 60.50BP) = 335.50
Sherwood Consolidated Mining Company Stock3437 - Sherwood Consolidated Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
RARE and EARLY #54 for 50 shares to HS Stones trustee. Signed by secretary Van Bokkelen and president Robert Sherman. Datelined San Francisco 1878. In
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to p********n for (120.00 + 26.40BP) = 146.40
State of Maine Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock3438 - State of Maine Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 39 for 30 shares to J Gallatore(?). Datelined Gold Hill 1863. Signed by secretary Broyhill and president E Cushing. Incorporated April 2nd, 1863. Th
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
Sold to 2*****l for (250.00 + 62.50BP) = 312.50
Sullivan Silver Mining Company Stock3439 - Sullivan Silver Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 107 for 10 shares to Charles Kelsey trustee. Signed by secretary O Bogart and president A Naudou(?). Dog and safe small vignette. Fancy scroll work
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to p********n for (130.00 + 28.60BP) = 158.60
Tyler Mining Company Stock3440 - Tyler Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 1904 for 50 shares to trustees Hunch & Coats. Signed by secretary A Coffin and president Cerrick. Datelined San Francisco 1876. Incorporated A...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to d**********3 for (50.00 + 12.50BP) = 62.50
Uncle Sam Senior & Gold Canon Silver Lodes in Nevada3441 - Uncle Sam Senior & Gold Canon Silver Lodes in Nevada
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Statement & Reports concerning the Uncle Sam Senior and Gold Canon Silver Lodes in Nevada. Printed by Alfred Mudge & Son, Boston, 1865. The ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 50.00 | Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Yellow Jacket Mining Certificates3442 - Yellow Jacket Mining Certificates
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Lot of two different and yet the same stock certificates. One is white and one is yellow, One is to gold & silver and one is for silver. Yet bot...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to A*******d for (85.00 + 21.25BP) = 106.25
Goldfield Consolidated Mines Signed by Geo. Wingfield3443 - Goldfield Consolidated Mines Signed by Geo. Wingfield
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Rare Geo. Wingfield signature. #1154 i/c to Chas Strong 10 shares 1907. City: Goldfield State: Nevada Date: 1907 HWAC# 79318
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to f*****y for (50.00 + 12.50BP) = 62.50
Goldfield Dominion Mining Stock Certificate, Signed by Sol Camp3444 - Goldfield Dominion Mining Stock Certificate, Signed by Sol Camp
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Nice signature piece signed by Sol Camp as president. Cert. #3151, issued for 1000 shares. Sol Camp was a mining engineer from Colorado and he teamed
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 50.00 - 100.00
Sold to V********e for (25.00 + 5.50BP) = 30.50
Goldfield Simmerone Mining Stock Certificate Signed by Malcolm Macdonald3445 - Goldfield Simmerone Mining Stock Certificate Signed by Malcolm Macdonald
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Cert. 1021, issued at Tonopah in 1907 to R.P. Dunlop. Signed by Malcolm D. Macdonald as president. Macdonald was one of the greats of early Nevada. Tr
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 80.00 - 150.00
Sold to V********e for (40.00 + 8.80BP) = 48.80
New Jersey and New York related Nevada Stocks3446 - New Jersey and New York related Nevada Stocks
Holabird Western Americana Collections
1) New Jersey - Goldfield Mines Corporation. Number 105 for 1000 shares. to EW Alexander in 1906. Signed by treasurer Alexander S Proskey and presiden
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 50.00 - 100.00
Sold to c****o for (25.00 + 6.25BP) = 31.25
Northern Nevada Copper Company Stock - NUMBER 13447 - Northern Nevada Copper Company Stock - NUMBER 1
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Goldfield! Copper? That is what it says. Number 1 for 50 shares to Bert E Stevens. Signed by Williams and president CA Terwilliger. 1908. Principal of
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 40.00 - 60.00
Sold to 9***6 for (75.00 + 18.75BP) = 93.75
White Pine Mill and Mining Company of Nevada stock3448 - White Pine Mill and Mining Company of Nevada stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 354 for 25 shares to Mrs Susan Rheem. Datelined Philadelphia 1869. Signed by president Joseph H Black and secretary Stephen Miller. Great above grou
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 250.00 - 500.00
Sold to 2*****l for (180.00 + 45.00BP) = 225.00
Emerald Gold & Silver Mining Company3449 - Emerald Gold & Silver Mining Company
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 19 for 10 shares issued to George Allen. Datelined Chico, Butte County, Cal. 1867. Signed by secretary James C Martin and president J. Bidwell. Mine
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 300.00 - 400.00
Sold to f*****E for (180.00 + 45.00BP) = 225.00
Humboldt Nickel & Copper Mining Company Stock3450 - Humboldt Nickel & Copper Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
VERY RARE. Number 45 for 40 shares to Albert Larrabee. Signed by N Whitman and president Joseph Schroeder. Dateline Chicago 1883. Incorporated in Illi
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 150.00 - 300.00
Sold to f*****E for (60.00 + 15.00BP) = 75.00
Storm King Mountain Gold Mining Company Stock3451 - Storm King Mountain Gold Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 19 (early) for 20 shares to HR Treadwell. Datlined New York 1867. Signed by GV Cooper president and secretary (?). Issued for the purchase of mining
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 300.00 - 500.00
Sold to s********K for (180.00 + 45.00BP) = 225.00
Old Dominion Mining Company of Nevada Bond3452 - Old Dominion Mining Company of Nevada Bond
Holabird Western Americana Collections
The Old Dominion Mining Company was located outside of Keystone, Nye County, Nevada in Tybo (Hot Creek) Mining District. The town of Keystone was esta
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to B********B for (80.00 + 20.00BP) = 100.00
Old Dominion Mining Company of Nevada Stock3453 - Old Dominion Mining Company of Nevada Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 42 for 100 shares to Dr. Charles H Hunter. Datelined Philadelphia 1867. Signed by secretary Stephen Miller and president AO Hiester. Chartered in Pe
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to V********e for (100.00 + 22.00BP) = 122.00
Midas Silver Mining Company Stock3454 - Midas Silver Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Number 28 for 500 shares issued to JC Littell in 1867. Signed by Secretary Shay and President Trask. Three vignettes: allegorical woman (top right), m
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 150.00 | Estimate : 300.00 - 500.00
Mirage Resorts Stock Certificate- Steven H. Wynn as Chairman of the Board3455 - Mirage Resorts Stock Certificate- Steven H. Wynn as Chairman of the Board
Holabird Western Americana Collections
The Mirage Resorts Company was acquired by MGM in 2000. It is rare to see a certificate not tendered and free floating. Steve Wynn's facsimile s...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 80.00 - 150.00
Sold to s********K for (25.00 + 6.25BP) = 31.25
Webster Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock3456 - Webster Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
# 145 for 10 shares to William H Hyde. Datelined San Francisco 1864. Signed by secretary Shilaz(?) and president IB Lamb(?). This company was incorpor
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 300.00 - 700.00
Sold to i*****l for (250.00 + 62.50BP) = 312.50
Johnson Gold and Silver Mining Company Stock - NUMBER 13457 - Johnson Gold and Silver Mining Company Stock - NUMBER 1
Holabird Western Americana Collections
NUMBER 1 for 50 shares to TI Keys. Datelined Stockton, Cal. 1863. Signed by LE Lyons and Timothy Paige. Incorporated August 1863. Located in the Nevad
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
Sold to V********e for (375.00 + 82.50BP) = 457.50
Osceola Gravel Mining Company - Nevada Placer Mining Company3458 - Osceola Gravel Mining Company - Nevada Placer Mining Company
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Number 381 for 645 shares to HW Lawrence trustee. Signed by Henry Kunbary(?) and WB Lunhands(?). Datelined Salt Lake City, Utah Ter., 1892. Not cancel
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 40.00 - 60.00
Sold to M***e for (20.00 + 5.00BP) = 25.00
Tolles Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock3459 - Tolles Gold & Silver Mining Company Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Rare location. Dix Ledge, Pea Vine Mining District, Washoe County, N.T. (printed below logo). Pea Vine was the original usage of what is commonly know
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
Sold to p********n for (650.00 + 143.00BP) = 793.00
Washoe United Consolidated Gold & Silver Mining Company, Limited Stock3460 - Washoe United Consolidated Gold & Silver Mining Company, Limited Stock
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Incorporated in Nevada and England in 1862. Cert. #14898, issued to William Sydney O'Conner of 18 Ledbury Road, Baymaster. In 1866 for 20 shares...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 360.00 - 600.00
Sold to 2*****l for (125.00 + 31.25BP) = 156.25