Darwin Mines Ore Bags, 19thc, (3) [193432]

Currency:USD Category:Collectibles / Mining Start Price:250.00 USD Estimated At:500.00 - 800.00 USD
Darwin Mines Ore Bags, 19thc, (3) [193432]
FINAL AUCTION RECORD The Auctioneer’s podium notes serve as the final, legally binding record of the auction results, superseding any electronic bidding records. See Terms and Conditions
Three ore bags from the Darwin mines from the Palazzo Collection. Two are the classic coarse weave bags c 1875-1885, and one slightly finer, c 1890-1910. All three have markings that are difficult to read or interpret. The bags probably were found in the New Coso mines of Lucky Jim and Christmas Gift, as were others so marked. One has an indecipherable mining company name. Others with initials of either a mine or the miners. Only one has the blue stripe across the middle, this bag marked "I. B.". One marked "H.G.G." (no, not C.G. which would have been Christmas Gift). bags vary slightly in size, appx 14 x 22".
Country (if not USA):
State: California
City: Darwin