Juanita Coal Company Stock, 1809 1809 [172570]

Currency:USD Category:Coins & Paper Money / Stock & Bond - Mining Start Price:160.00 USD Estimated At:400.00 - 1,500.00 USD
Juanita Coal Company Stock, 1809  1809 [172570]
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Dated September 1809. Bedford, Mass. One of America's early organized publicly held coal mining companies. Datelined Bedford, PA, Sept 3, 1809. Issued to Wm Davis for 5 shares on Sept 3, 1809, signed by James M. Russell and Sam Riddle. Tear, piece missing lower right, not affecting any content. The company operated a coal mine discovered by Sam Riddle of Huntingdon near the bank of the Raystown branch of the Juniata River. The coal was reported as 13 feet thick, and "Inexhaustible." (Feb 20, 1809 US Gazette, Philadelphia). This coal deposit undoubtedly led to the creation of an iron works called the Juniata Iron in 1819. Another company of the same name appears in 1891 with an office in Altoona. Herzog Collection. Russell was on a local committee to celebrate American Independence in 1808. Bedford Massachusetts United States of America 1809