1592 - The Solo Token (Petroleum County)Holabird Western Americana Collections
R-8. The Solo / Winnett, Mont. // GF / 10c / IT. Brass, round, 20mm. (Svoboda Collection) City: Winnett State: Montana Date: HWAC# 35024
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 120.00 - 250.00
Sold to T******p for (130.00 + 26.00BP) = 156.00
1593 - Myles Bros. Token (Broadwater County)Holabird Western Americana Collections
R-8. Myles Bros. // Winston Mont. Aluminum, round with center hole, 22mm. (Svoboda Collection) City: Winston State: Montana Date: HWAC# 35021
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 120.00 - 250.00
Sold to t**********z for (90.00 + 18.00BP) = 108.00
1594 - Three Wisdom Tokens (Beaverhead County)Holabird Western Americana Collections
1) R-8. Jack's News Stand / Wisdom / Mont. // GF / 12 1/2c / IT. Aluminum, round, 21mm. 2) R-7. Elk Club / Wisdom / Mont. // GF / 10c / IT. Alum...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 160.00 - 400.00
Sold to c********n for (160.00 + 36.80BP) = 196.80
1595 - Detour Merc. Co. Token (Beaverhead County)Holabird Western Americana Collections
R-8. Detour / Merc. Co. / Gen'l. Mdse. / Wise River / Mont. // GF 12 1/2c / IT. Aluminum, round, 24mm. (Svoboda Collection) City: Wise River ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 120.00 - 250.00
Sold to a********e.. for (700.00 + 161.00BP) = 861.00
1597 - Five Cash Grocery & Bakery TokensHolabird Western Americana Collections
Cash Grocery / & / Bakery / Wolf Point / Mont. // GF 5c, 25c, $1.00 / In / Merchandise. Round, aluminum. Cash Grocery // GF / 5c, 25c / IT. Roun...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 120.00 - 200.00
Sold to b********c.. for (50.00 + 10.00BP) = 60.00
1598 - Five Wolf Point Tokens (Roosevelt County)Holabird Western Americana Collections
1) R-7. H. B. Johnson / Wolf Point / Mont. // GF / 10c / IT. 2) R-7. Rogers & Watterud / Pool Hall / Wolf Point / Mont. // GF / 12 1/2 c / IT. 3...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 400.00
Sold to r******h for (80.00 + 16.00BP) = 96.00
1599 - Four David Billiards TokensHolabird Western Americana Collections
1) David Billiards / GF / 25C / IT. Round, brass, 28mm. 2) GF / 25c / IT. Round, aluminum, 26mm. 3) GF / 50c / It. Octagonal, brass, 26mm. 4) GF / 50c
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 120.00 - 200.00
Sold to b********c.. for (70.00 + 14.00BP) = 84.00
1600 - Nine So-Called Dollars and TokensHolabird Western Americana Collections
1) Three: Montie Montana, 1925-1975 // Souvenir Trade Dollar. 2) Three: 50th Annual Wild Horse Stampede 1025-1075 // Souvenir Dollar. 3) Three: Golden
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 35.00 | Estimate : 70.00 - 100.00
1601 - S.T. Cogswell, Indian Trader, TokenHolabird Western Americana Collections
S. T. Cogswell / Indian / Trader / Wolf Point, Mont. // GF / 25c / In / Merchandise. Round, white metal, 31mm. "Sherman T. Cogswell (1865-1932)...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,000.00 - 2,000.00
Sold to c********n for (500.00 + 115.00BP) = 615.00