Oil Painting (Signed Original W. Hoffman) (85810)

Currency:USD Category:Western Americana / Art - Paintings Start Price:1,500.00 USD Estimated At:3,000.00 - 6,000.00 USD
Oil Painting (Signed Original W. Hoffman)  (85810)
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Beautiful River landscape, oil on canvas, signed W. Hoffman, lower right, overall (with frame): 48"w. x 38"h. Frame has been professionally restored. This original oil glows with beautiful yellows, golds, greens with shimmering river running through the landscape. W. Hoffman was raised in Montana, & worked cattle ranches throughout the state. Following high school, he thought he might settle down on a ranch near Choteau, but the Marine Corps had other ideas, which included island hopping in the Pacific for three days during WWII. After the war, Bill enjoyed life, wandering through three colleges. The various curricula included three majors and two minors, but never an art course. To this day, he remains completely self-taught. In 1964, as regional manager for ASCAP, Bill attended a convention in San Francisco and somehow bumbled into an art gallery. "I'd never seen one before, and I was stunned to learn that artists didn't necessarily always starve." (AskArt.com) W. Hoffman 1924-1995. Known for western genre, seascape, landscape.

Date: 1953
State: Montana