Outlaw BlackJack Ketchum Hanging RPC Pair [182720]

Currency:USD Category:Western Americana Start Price:500.00 USD Estimated At:1,000.00 - 2,000.00 USD
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2 RPC's of the hanging of Tomas E "Black Jack" Ketchum. Card 1 is titled "The Hanging of "BlackJack" the Outlaw" with noose being put around his head on top of the gallows. Very good contrast. Card 2 is titled "Body of "Black Jack" after the Hanging. Showing Head snapped off". While this card has lighter contrast is clearly shows the decapitated head in the left foreground. This hanging was a big event in Clayton, NM with lawmen selling tickets and little dolls of Ketchum hanging on a stick. Quite the spectacle. "Thomas Edward Ketchum (known as Black Jack; October 31, 1863 – April 26, 1901) was an American cowboy who later became an outlaw. He was executed in 1901 for attempted train robbery. Thomas Ketchum joined other outlaws of the Hole in the Wall Gang and continued a life of crime, focusing on train robberies, although when not robbing trains they worked for several ranches in New Mexico and Texas. The execution by hanging was botched; he was decapitated because the executioner used a rope that was too long. Ketchum was executed by hanging in Clayton. Nobody in Clayton had any experience in conducting hangings; the rope was too long, and since Ketchum had gained a significant amount of weight during his time in jail, he was decapitated when he dropped through the trap door.Ketchum's last words were "Good-bye. Please dig my grave very deep. All right; hurry up." New Mexico