Two Feathers Original Oil Painting by G. Running Wolf [168615]

Currency:USD Category:American Indian Art Start Price:50.00 USD Estimated At:100.00 - 200.00 USD
Two Feathers Original Oil Painting by G. Running Wolf  [168615]
25.00USDto n*******4+ buyer's premium (6.25)
This item SOLD at 2023 Aug 24 @ 09:06UTC-7 : PDT/MST
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Oil on canvas by Gale Running Wolf, Sr., an award-winning Blackfoot artist. He was born and raised on a Blackfoot reservation and now lives in Billings, Montana. Although Gale has no formal art training, he masterfully portrays his Blackfoot heritage. "Two Feathers" is in a wooden frame 17 x 20 inches, and has a newspaper article about Running Wolf's many awards on the back. The article and the painting are dated 1988.