Western Americana Safari

Auction Details

Western Americana Safari Auction

This four day sale features some of our best offerings to date in the following categories: Gold, Mining, Native Americana, Cowboy, Firearms, Taxidermy, Railroad & Express, Tokens, Coins, Ingots, Medals, Bottles, Gaming, and General Americana.

Highlights include: the Don Young Collection of US Medals & Exonumia, arguably one of the largest collections ever offered; a major collection of identified gold nuggets and Comstock mineral specimens; a huge collection of mining artifacts, including candlesticks, carbide lamps, mining ephemera and stock certificates; silver ingots and large American silver medals; US & Mexican coins, gold tokens, and dies; nearly 100 taxidermy mounts centralized on the American West and Africa; a gaming section of rare chips and a pre-1910 roulette table; a token section with the final Montana Svoboda pieces as well a rare Bodie token and gold nugget tokens; historical autographs including George Armstrong Custer, Ben Holladay, Sharon-Mills-Ralston, and important Comstock and Western political figures; firearms and weaponry including nearly 50 firearms and a Constitutional Delegate's sword; Western cutlery (1850s-1880); antique bottles incl. Bodie & colored Nevada; a California Gold Rush section incl. an 1856 vigilance committee medal, a presentation belt buckle, and rare ephemera; fantastic Native Americana and Cowboy sections; and much more!

Please see the auction schedule below.

Auction Schedule

Day One (Friday, December 9th, 2016) (Lots 1000-1706)
Gold (Lots 1000-1053)
Ore/Mineral Specimens (Lots 1054-1074)
Mining Part I (Lots 1075-1706)
Mining Candlesticks (Lots 1075-1095)
Mining Hardhats (Lots 1096-1098)
Carbide Mining Lamps (Lots 1099-1254)
Safety Mining Lamps (Lots 1255-1275)
Teapot Mining Lamps (Lots 1276-1301)
Assay (Lots 1302-1328)
Mining Ephemera (State/City) (Lots 1329-1706)
Alaska thru Nevada

Day Two (Saturday, December 10th, 2016) (Lots 2000-2674)
Mining Part II (Lots 2000-2155)
State/City (New Jersey thru Foreign) (Lots 2000- 2103)
Gold Rush (Lots 2104-2134)
Mining Spoons (Lots 2135-2155)
Native Americana (Lots 2156-2334)
Baskets (Lots 2156-2184)
Beadwork (Lots 2185-2203)
Cradleboards (Lots 2204-2207)
Jewelry (Lots 2208-2251)
Moccasins (Lots 2252-2258)
Weapons & Points (Lots 2259-2279)
Pottery (Lots 2280-2301)
Rugs (Lots 2302-2317)
Art, Artifacts, & Ephemera (Lots 2318-2334)
Cowboy (Lots 2335-2404)
Franz Trevors (C.M. Russell) Paintings (Lots 2335-2338)
Saddles (Lots 2339-2349)
Spurs & Bits (Lots 2350-2377)
Clothing (Lots 2378-2390)
Ephemera (Lots 2391-2404)
Firearms, Weaponry, & Military (Lots 2405-2498)
Taxidermy (Lots 2499-2579)
Sorted Alphabetically
Railroad, Stage, & Steamship (Lots 2580-2635)
Sorted by State/City
Wells Fargo & Other Express (Lots 2636-2674)
Wells Fargo (Lots 2636-2659)
Railroad Express (Lots 2660-2666)
Other Express (Lots 2667-2674)

Day Three (Sunday, December 11th, 2016) (Lots 3000-3651)
Tokens (State/City) (Lots 3000-3139)
Numismatics (Lots 3140-3651)
Ingots (Lots 3140-3152)
Currency & Scrip (Lots 3153-3163)
Ephemera (Lots 3164-3185)
Coins & Coin Collectibles (Lots 3186-3262)
US & Other Coins (Lots 3186-3193)
Mexican Coins (Lots 3194-3255)
Coin Collectibles (Lots 3256-3262)
Cal Fractionals & Gaming Counters (Lots 3263-3280)
Hart’s Coins of the Golden West (Lots 3281-3295)
Medals & So-Called Dollars (Lots 3296-3342)
Don Young US Medal Collection (Lots 3343-3651)
Alphabetical by Association (ANA-TAMS)

Day Four (Monday, December 12th, 2016) (Lots 4000-4626)
Bottles, Saloon, & Brewing (Lots 4000-4071)
Bottles (Lots 4000-4056)
Saloon & Brewing (Lots 4057-4071)
Gaming (Lots 4072-4112)
General Americana (Lots 4113-4626)
Various (Lots 4113-4194)
Sorted by State / City (Alabama thru Foreign) (Lots 4195-4570)
Books (Lots 4571-4626)
Directories (Lots 4571-4587)
General (Lots 4588-4626)

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