Atlanta Mine Docs, 1866-70 (5) [175933]

Currency:USD Category:Collectibles / Mining Start Price:100.00 USD Estimated At:200.00 - 400.00 USD
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Collection of Mining Documents from the Atlanta Lode out of Middle Boise Mining District, Idaho; All papers are regarding John H. Downing, a miner who owned part of the famous Atlanta Lode. He figures prominently in all papers associated with the Atlanta Lode and Quartz strikes in the mid 1860's in Idaho Territory. The first 4 items are all revenue stamped documents: 1) An 1868 receipt on a mining contract, acknowledging that John Downing paid S.S. Hawthorn $742.66 for working the Atlanta Lead. Signed by Costen Simmons on Jul 20, 1868. 5" x 5". 2) A receipt for freight to be delivered at "Head of Quartz Gulch"(which later became known as the Atlanta) to John H. Downing for $480.60 on Aug 10, 1866. Signed by J.C. Adams. 3) Rare receipt for $150 from Nov 10, 1869, stating that John H Downing has paid the balance due on 200 bushels of oats at "M. Kennedy of US". Signed by G. Walling & Co. printed on blue notebook paper, a torn off end piece. 3.25" x 5.25". 4) An 1870 document stating the appointment of Wm Kennedy by John H Downing to act as Downing's agent in collecting money on a mortgage against the estate of J. Walling, etc. (Note that the signer on No.3 above is the Walling Co.). By 1870 it seems that Downing has moved away from Idaho and is now in Polk County, Oregon. 8" x 12". 5) Receipt for supplies dates Aug 6, 1866 which Downing purchased in Idaho City from John Sweek (handwritten billhead) showing part of the transaction was paid by 38oz of Boise Basin Gold Dust and Gold quartz. 8.75" x 8.5". This is a wonderful example of the sorts of supplies that miners needed. Its a rare document from Idaho City! This collections of Idaho Territory docs is notable for its early dates, Idaho did not become a state until Jul 3, 1890, and its inside it provides on the famous Atlanta Lode. Its history has its shares of ups and downs, due primarily to lack of production/extraction techniques and poor accessibility and transportation. From its discovery in 1864 until 1930's the Atlanta Lode was "Big". Between 1932- 36 the Atlanta Mining District became Idaho's leading gold producer.[Ref: Gold Camp & Silver Cities, by Merle W. Wells, Idaho Department of Lands, Bureau of Mines and Geology, Moscow, ID, Bulletin 33, 2nd ed., 1983, pp. 53-63] Franklin Collection.
Middle Boise District Idaho