"Christmas Chronicles", 2023 December Live Auction

Auction Details

Christmas is coming early to our Collectors this year! Welcome to our Holabird's 2023 Christmas Chronicles, our biggest sale of the year!

The Christmas Chronicles December Auction is our Grand Finale of 2023 and we've included every collecting category as a Christmas Thank-You for our valued customers.

December is loaded with BRAND NEW ITEMS featuring collectibles from the Robert Coelln Western Collection, The Jan Garvis Mining Collection, The Franklin Collection, The Herzog Collection, The Chunlin Zhu Natural Wonders Collection, The Gary Bracken General Store Collection, plus many others!
No matter what you collect we encourage you to browse the entire online catalog for the DECEMBER LIVE AUCTION as hidden rarities are scattered throughout the sale! While our December's Sale includes an incredible selection of RARE Antique Photographs, you will also find photographs peppered in almost every other section, like the never-before-offered original, antique photograph of Doc Holiday and Big-Nose Kate you will find listed in our Cowboy section!
We've worked hard this fall to clear out our warehouses and list another big group of MINERAL DISPLAY SPECIMENS from the Chunlin Zhu Collection! Many of you have purchased massive specimens from this collection for incredible prices and dealers have made huge profits in this category since our premier sale over a year ago. We are proud to offer another BRAND-NEW GROUP of spectacular display specimens, as we are reaching the last of the Chinese pieces. This may be one of your last chances to purchase pieces like this well below wholesale -- just in time for the 2024 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show! We recommend pick-up for the larger pieces as shipping prices on some of these rocks are restrictive but this has offered an unbelievable opportunity for nearby customers willing to make a trip to Reno. And while you are in the neighborhood, don't miss the General Store items from Bracken, another collection that is coming to a close. For Dealers who enjoy a winter vacation in Reno/Tahoe, picking up from our year-end sale will definitely give you a leg up on your 2024 profit margin!
If you aren't within driving distance of Reno, no worries! December has an incredible variety of ephemera, coins, jewelry, and other easy-to-ship items for you to cross off your wish list this Christmas and if you won in our Black Friday Weekend Timed auction and your shipment did not go out early, we will combine your items and ship both orders together to save you money on your shipping invoice.

Thank you and happy bidding!

Day 1
Art (1000-1051)
Photography (1052-1138)
Native American Art (1139-1162)
Imported Collectibles (1163-1201)
Home (1202-1215)
Souvenir Plates (1216-1225)
Silverware (1226-1230)
Jewelry (1231-1241)
Native American Artifacts (1242-1392)
Maps (1393-1418)
Books (1419-1535)
Entertainment (1536-1551)
Musical Instruments (1552-1555)

Day 2
Minerals (2000-2052)
Mining (2053-2400)
Cowboy (2401-2438)
Tobacciana (2439-2452)
Bottles (2453-2476)
Saloon (2477-2492)
Gaming (2493-2501)
Firearms-Weapons (2501-2509)
Military (2510-2552)
Political (2553-2587)

Day 3
Sports (3000-3009)
Tokens (3010-3023)
Badges (3024-3037)
Numismatics (3038-3181)
Coins (3039-3056)
Currency (3057-3083)
Ephemera (3084-3112)
Ingots (3113-3149)
Exonumia & Medals (3150-3182)
SS Central America (3183-3213)
Transportation (3214-3300)
General Collectibles (3301-3332)
Tools (3333-3334)
General Store (3335-3411)
Geographically Sorted (3412-3593)

Day 4
Stocks & Bonds (4000-4429)
Including mining, railroad, etc
Philatelic - Postal History (4430-4465)
Postcards (4466-4486)
Stamps – USA (4487-4521)
Stamps – Worldwide (4522-4528)
Wells Fargo & Express (4529-4576)
Firefighting Memorabilia (4577-4579)
Fraternal Organizations (4580-4582)

Shipping is billed separately. Pay your auction invoice early as purchases are packed in the order payments are received. Pick-up must be scheduled 24 hours in advance when you receive your shipping preference email after the auction. Invoices will go out immediately after the auction ends.