American History & Hall of Fame Showcase, June 2024

Auction CurrencyUSD Auction Location3555 Airway Drive Suite 308, Reno, Nevada, 89511, United States In Person PreviewPreview

Auction Details

Thur, June 6 Lots 1000-1590
Art (1001-1091)
Native Americana (1092-1207)
Jewelry & Watches (1208-1241)
Collectibles (1242-1279)
Books / Antiquarian (1280-1537)
Medical (1538-1543)
Advertising (1544-1580)
Toys & Children (1581-1590)

Fri, June 7 Lots 2000-2550
Maps (2000-2059)
Transportation & Railroad (2060-2550)
Railroad Passes
Stocks (2535-2550)
Railroad, Banking, other

Sat, June 8 Lots 3000-3595
Wells Fargo & Express (3000-3019)
Outlaws & Lawmen (3020-3097
Autographs (3098-3109)
Revolutionary War & Early Military (3110-3130
President Lincoln (3130-3219
JFK Assassination (3220-3248
Black American (3249-3256)
Civil War (3257-3307)
Custer, Gen George A. (3308-3353)
Presidential (3354-3388)
Firearms & Weapons (3389-3467)
Sports / Hall of Fame (3468-3595)
Baseball (3468-3562)
Basketball (3563-3564)
Boxing (3565-3572)
Football (3573-3577)
Other (3578-3595)

Sun, June 9 Lots 4000-4600
Mining (4000-4189)
Numismatics (4190-4314)
Tokens (4315-4329)
World's Fair (4330-4340)
Bottles (4341-4367)
Saloon (4368-4376)
Tobacco (4377-4380)
Gaming (4381-4388)
Cowboy (4389-4392)
Entertainment (4393-4426)
Music (4427-4450)
Photographs (4451-4481)
Ephemera (4482-4569)
Philatelic (4570-4600)
UNCLAIMED MERCHANDISE: In the event that a successful bidder has paid in full for their merchandise but fails to settle outstanding shipping invoices or make arrangements for merchandise pickup within 60 days, HWAC reserves the right to declare the merchandise forfeited. This forfeiture will result in the merchandise becoming the property of HWAC and the successful bidder shall have no claim to or rights over the forfeited merchandise.
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Lincoln: Portrait by Alonzo Chapel, 1862  [182317]3200 - Lincoln: Portrait by Alonzo Chapel, 1862 [182317]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Painted by Alonzo Chapel (1828-1887) from a likeness from a recent photograph. Bears an engraved signature "A. Lincoln". Published by Jo...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 50.00 | Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Lincoln: Reunion Cruise of Civil War Veterans  [182194]3201 - Lincoln: Reunion Cruise of Civil War Veterans [182194]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Portrait of Abraham Lincoln on the cover of a program: "Farewell Dinner On Board S.S. Veendam....On Her West Indian Cruise, Feb. 11, 1928."...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 50.00 | Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Lincoln: Robert T. Lincoln Autograph  [182507]3202 - Lincoln: Robert T. Lincoln Autograph [182507]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Robert T. Lincoln (1843-1926) son of Abraham Lincoln; served on Grant's staff at the end of the Civil War;U. S. Secretary of War (1881-85); U. S...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (225.00 + 56.25BP) = 281.25
Lincoln: Samuel B. Arnold Autograph  [182493]3203 - Lincoln: Samuel B. Arnold Autograph [182493]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Samuel B. Arnold (1834-1906) was a conspirator with John Wilkes Booth, David Herold, Lewis Powell, Michael O'Laughlen and John Surratt. Sentence...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 600.00 - 800.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (850.00 + 212.50BP) = 1,062.50
Lincoln: Sgt. Boston Corbett CDV & Autograph  [182319]3204 - Lincoln: Sgt. Boston Corbett CDV & Autograph [182319]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
The man who shot John Wilkes Booth! Sergeant Boston Corbett autograph and carte de visite. CDV (4 x 2 1/2 inches) Standing in uniform. Minor edge wear
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,000.00 - 2,000.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (1,200.00 + 300.00BP) = 1,500.00
Lincoln: Simon Cameron CDV  [182018]3205 - Lincoln: Simon Cameron CDV [182018]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Signed carte de visite photograph of Simon Cameron Secretary of War under Abraham Lincoln, from 1861-1862. 3.3 x 2.3 inch image on a 6.25 x 3.8 inch e
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 600.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (225.00 + 56.25BP) = 281.25
Lincoln: Step Grand Father Christopher Bush Autograph, 1804  [182756]3206 - Lincoln: Step Grand Father Christopher Bush Autograph, 1804 [182756]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Christopher Bush's daughter Sarah became Abraham Lincoln's step-mother when Nancy Hanks died. Abe's father Tom had many dealings with th...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 800.00
Sold to d*******f for (200.00 + 50.00BP) = 250.00
Lincoln: Stereoview of Ford's Theatre  [182503]3207 - Lincoln: Stereoview of Ford's Theatre [182503]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Stereoview of Ford's Theatre, where President Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. Photographer J. F. Jarvis Stereoscopic Views - 135 ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (120.00 + 30.00BP) = 150.00
Lincoln: Stock Certificate Signed by Norman B. Judd  [182022]3208 - Lincoln: Stock Certificate Signed by Norman B. Judd [182022]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Norman B. Judd (1815-1878), Illinois businessman and politician, served as a member of the Illinois Senate from 1844 to 1860. He served as delegate to
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 300.00 - 500.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (150.00 + 37.50BP) = 187.50
Lincoln: Surgeon Charles Henry Crane Autograph  [182322]3209 - Lincoln: Surgeon Charles Henry Crane Autograph [182322]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
One of the surgeons present at the deathbed of Abraham Lincoln, Charles Henry Crane also witnessed Lincoln's autopsy along with Surgeon General ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to h*********9 for (100.00 + 25.00BP) = 125.00