Wild West Relics Auction April 2024

Auction CurrencyUSD Auction Location3555 Airway Drive Suite 308, Reno, Nevada, 89511, United States In Person PreviewPreview

Auction Details

April, 2024 HWAC Auction -Another Potential Million Dollar Sale of Rare Americana!
-Fred Holabird

Welcome everybody to our next live auction. Th sale closely follows a timed auction two weeks ago that saw a lot of action, with some good rarities as well as some great buys!
As we plow through the start of 2024, we find ourselves moving the rare collectibles into our live sales, while moving the rare lesser expensive items to the timed sales, which are getting more and more popular by the month.

April is no exception, as 2300 lots are up for grabs, again featuring many one of a kind discoveries and great rarities. When I write these introductions to the sales, it gets harder and harder to know where to start and how to structure the essay because of the sheer huge variety of collectible genres present in our sales. We easily offer at least 60 different categories!!

So this time, lets start with some of my favorite “discoveries,” which is impossible for me to place in my relative order of “wow!” effect. Top ten? Impossible! How about the top 20? ??

1. The Robert Matheson, Arizona Territory letter archive, c1883-1886, that discusses an Apache mine camp massacre, the “Bisbee massacre” and subsequent hangings. In more than 100 pp of letters, we get from the writer a very clear picture of the difficulties of life on the Arizona/Sonora mining frontier. See the Mining section.
2. Dr. Timothy Wilcox Arizona Territory (especially Ft. Huachuca) photograph archive, c 1860-1894. (see photography, antiquarian). Wilcox was an Army physician assigned to many of the western forts, particularly Ft. Huachuca and Ft. Niobrara. The photo archive has in excess of 350 original photos in one album alone, nearly all taken by Wilcox. He also traveled to Alaska and forts on the east coast before being assigned to Cuba for the Spanish-American War.
3. Goldwater Store Posse, Yuma/Tucson Photograph. Robert Paul was sent to Yuma to arrest one of the Goldwater Bros. for fraud. A large posse was sent, and the original mounted photo is a stunner. c1880.
4. Robert Paul ALS regarding a stagecoach robbery and murder. The sheriff made famous from the days of the Earps.
5. Famous Western artist Frederick Remington original c1903 prints. A remarkable discovery of original prints sold out of Remington’s own gallery with his gallery card still attached.
6. Barry & Patten embossed San Francisco whiskey bottle. This is the very first western whiskey merchant to place his product in an embossed bottle. They are exceptionally rare. This is a “crown jewel” for any western whiskey collector.
7. Frank Abadie, Eureka, Nevada knife edge coffin flask with full original label. Unquestionably one of the very top Nevada whiskey bottles of all time, and unique.
8. Maps. The map section is so darned good (spread between a map, antiquarian and mining sections) that I can’t pick just one. So I’ll pick the early “California as an Island” map. I know – some of you think California is an island anyway! This map has insets with it that make map reading from the 1700s exciting.. But the sections also contain rare Gold Rush period maps from two major collections.
9. Fort Weisport, c1756 map in which Ben Franklin was involved.
10. Boston Baseball Team stock certificates, 19teens. Stocks issued to and signed by the founders of the Boston baseball club (176376, etc)
11. Austin, Nevada Sack of Flour, Sanitary Commission autographed and signed petition of donations, original document for this very famous western mining charity event that made history. This document was thought lost to history. (169387)
12. Circa 1660 Ecumenical Farce, “Il Capitole del Frati” was banned by the Church before it was completed. This is a full edition, and may be the only full or complete piece known. Handwritten by the author.
13. Mining stock signed by famous California author Bret Harte. (136540). Author of “Luck of Roaring Camp” and other tales, Harte was a near contemporary of Sam Clemens in the California gold camps.
14. Fraser River Gold Rush glass negative collection (179017). A large collection of photographs, probably unpublished, of one or more trips from Vancouver north by steamer to the mining camps of the Fraser River region. The high quality images show the store sign fronts that allows for the identification.
15. Inventor of the Electric Car, Fritchie, 1903, archive. An incredible discovery of his personal papers and photographs. Exceptionally appropriate as the world finally moves toward electric cars, albeit 120 years later.
16. Hayden Survey, 9 Volumes. This remarkable multi-year expedition along parts of the American/Canadian border is well recorded and very rare. (178878)
17. Truckee Basin Directory, 1883. A great Tahoe rarity.
18. Giant Green Fluorite, (149346). One of the many outstanding mineral specimens in the sale, and a very colorful one!
19. Spectacular very dark blue turquoise squash blossom necklace (Navajo). This is the very deep blue color that was so popular in the 1980s and doesn’t seem to have been found in turquoise mines since then.
20. Virgina & Truckee Railroad Lantern. A near-mint example is among about 50 different railroad lamps (and more railroad china!). Be sure and watch for our next two sales (including timed), as we will be selling two of the best railroad pass collections ever offered at auction- the “Ron Lerch” and “Western Railroad” collections.

That’s quite a list! But its all here, with tons more great items, spread over four days – this time on a pair of successive weekend days so you don’t have to be troubled by auctions while at work.

We are always on the lookout for major collections! Please call us. 775 851-1859 or our toll free number 844 492-2766

DAY 1 - Sat, Apr 6 Lots 1000-1563
Art (1001-1098)
Jewelry (1099-1130)
Native Americana (1131-1271)
Maps (1272-1337) also see mining on day 5
World's Fair/Expositions (1338-1344)
Books (1345-1451)
Autographs (1452-1454)
Photographs (1456-1558)
Wilcox, Photo archive, c1860-1910
Tools (1559-1563)

DAY 2 - Sun, Apr 7 Lots 2000-2580
3d Collectibles (2000-2013)
Clocks (2014-2020)
Musical (2021-2022)
Furnishings (2023-2025)
Clothing (2026-2027)
Collectibles & Flatware (2028-2045)
Advertising (2046-2067)
General Store (2068-2084)
Bottles (2085-2166)
Saloon (2167-2181)
Gaming (2183-2190)
Tobacianna (2191-2199)
Cowboy (2200-2219)
Entertainment (2220-2263)
Circus, Toys. sports (2264-2295)
Transportation/Railroad (2296-2396)
Political (2397-2422)
Military (2423-2460)
Firearms & Weaponry (2461-2527)
General Ephemera (2528-2580)

DAY 3 - Sat, Apr 13 Lots 3000-3517
Stocks & Bonds (3001-3517)
Banking (3001-3024)
Mining (3025-3296)
Industry & Oil (3297-3366)
Railroad & Transportation (3367-3427)
Other (3428-3517)

DAY 4 - Sun, Apr 14 Lots 4000-4666
Minerals (4001-4032)
Mining (4033-4226)
Artifacts (4033-4041)
Ephemera (4042-4220)
Scales (4221-4225)
Numismatics (4226-4409)
Tokens (4410-4431)
Philatelic (4432-4566)
Stamps (4432-4458)
Covers (4458-4474)
WF/Express (4475-4519)
Postcards (4520-4566)
This auction will be split into 2 weekends. Please don't ask for your invoice until all sessions are completed. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

Shipping is billed separately. Pay your auction invoice early as purchases are packed in the order payments are received. Pick-up must be scheduled 24 hours in advance when you receive your shipping preference email after the auction. Invoices will go out immediately after all sessions the auction end.

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Governor Booth 1872 Pardon for 1869 Murder [173970]2401 - Governor Booth 1872 Pardon for 1869 Murder [173970]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is an EXECUTIVE PARDON, dated April 10, 1872 and signed by then California Governor Newton Booth, on behalf of Robert Francis. Francis was tried
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 1,000.00 | Estimate : 2,000.00 - 3,000.00
James Tilghman Autograph  1799 [158217]2402 - James Tilghman Autograph 1799 [158217]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
James Tilghman signed Capias at Satisfaction issuing out of the Court of Queens County, Maryland, May 6, 1799, directed to the Coroner of said County
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 200.00 | Estimate : 400.00 - 2,500.00
Missouri Governor Inauguration Invite  1965 [157341]2403 - Missouri Governor Inauguration Invite 1965 [157341]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Missouri Governor Warren Hearne Inaugural Ball Invitation. United We Stand / Divided we fall vignette in gold. Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Murdock. ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 30.00 | Estimate : 60.00 - 100.00
Eureka, NV Reports (2) [178530]2404 - Eureka, NV Reports (2) [178530]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
1884 The Miscellaneous Documents of the House of Representatives for the First Session of the Forty-Eight Congress, 1883-84, 200pp with index, some f
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 110.00 | Estimate : 220.00 - 300.00
Nevada Governor  Inauguration Invite  1979 [157339]2405 - Nevada Governor Inauguration Invite 1979 [157339]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Nevada Governor Robert List Inaugural Ball Invitation, 1979. Addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart, State Capitol, Carson City. Envelope and in
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 30.00 | Estimate : 60.00 - 100.00
New York Herald Lincoln Assassination 20th C Reprint  [178780]2406 - New York Herald Lincoln Assassination 20th C Reprint [178780]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
An early 20th century reprint of The New York Herald, April 15, 1865 edition covering the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln the previous day,
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 25.00 | Estimate : 50.00 - 100.00
Aaron Burr Signature on 1833 Check- Very Rare! [179062]2407 - Aaron Burr Signature on 1833 Check- Very Rare! [179062]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Very rare 1833 Aaron Burr signature on a New York check. 3.25x6.5". "Aaron Burr Jr. (February 6, 1756 – September 14, 1836) was an A...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 800.00 - 2,000.00
Sold to d*******f for (450.00 + 112.50BP) = 562.50
William Penn Land Grant 1715  [159933]2408 - William Penn Land Grant 1715 [159933]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Land Grant, Dec. 1, 1715 by William Penn, Absolute Proprietary and Governor in Chief of the province of Pennsylvania to William Pusey for 500 acres in
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 4,000.00 - 20,000.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (1,000.00 + 250.00BP) = 1,250.00
William Ellery Signed Contract  1784 [172987]2409 - William Ellery Signed Contract 1784 [172987]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is a loan document signed by William Ellery, one of the founding fathers of the United States of America and a signer of the Declaration of Indep
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 2,000.00 | Estimate : 4,000.00 - 6,000.00
Mortimer R Proctor Archive [148624]2410 - Mortimer R Proctor Archive [148624]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Framed Society of the Sons of the American Revolution member certificate, 1915, 28x33". MR Proctor Jr. graduate degree. Governor Fletcher D Pro...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 500.00 | Estimate : 1,000.00 - 2,000.00
House of Representatives 1804 Journal [176081]2411 - House of Representatives 1804 Journal [176081]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Journal of the Eighth Congress of the Twenty-Ninth Year of the Independence of the United States. This very old record is not bound, is fragile, but s
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 250.00 | Estimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
James Buchanan Autograph  1841 [158211]2412 - James Buchanan Autograph 1841 [158211]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Signed letter from James Buchanan, future President of the United States. He served from 1857 to 1861, and served as secretary of state from 1845 to 1
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 750.00 | Estimate : 1,500.00 - 3,500.00
Cleveland Autographed Appointment 1983 [159930]2413 - Cleveland Autographed Appointment 1983 [159930]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Document appointing Dr. Hyatt as American Counsel to Cuba signed by President Grover Cleveland with dark signature, August 25, 1983. Framed, 16x20.5...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 500.00 | Estimate : 1,000.00 - 3,000.00
Herbert Hoover Autographed Photo [177629]2414 - Herbert Hoover Autographed Photo [177629]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Herbert Hoover autographed photo, undated. America's 31st President from 1929 to 1933. 7x4.5". Upper left crease.
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 300.00 - 600.00
Sold to H*****0 for (150.00 + 37.50BP) = 187.50
President Andrew Jackson Invoice, 1835 [179061]2415 - President Andrew Jackson Invoice, 1835 [179061]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
1835 invoice from President Andrew Jackson to Boykin for servants, claret, wine etc-sounds like a party! Signed and received by Boykin on bottom. 9.25
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 300.00 - 500.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (160.00 + 40.00BP) = 200.00
Robert Morris Signed Document 1795 [178972]2416 - Robert Morris Signed Document 1795 [178972]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
1795 North American Land Company document with clean Robert Morris signature. Robert Morris, in addition to being a signer of the Declaration of Indep
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 600.00 - 1,200.00
Sold to H*****0 for (350.00 + 87.50BP) = 437.50
McKinley 1927 Memorial Addresses [179083]2417 - McKinley 1927 Memorial Addresses [179083]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Hardcover, 98 pages. "William B. McKinley Memorial Addresses delivered in the senate and house of representatives of the United States in memor...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 60.00 - 100.00
Sold to S*******3 for (25.00 + 6.25BP) = 31.25
Presidential Library (13) 19th Century [170070]2418 - Presidential Library (13) 19th Century [170070]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
A group of 13 books, mostly dealing with President Theodore Roosevelt, including his autobiography, published in 1922, three years after his passing.
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 200.00 | Estimate : 400.00 - 800.00
AFL Union Dues Membership Book 1919 [178456]2419 - AFL Union Dues Membership Book 1919 [178456]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Booklet of union dues, stamps and labels from the National Federation of Federal Employees. Booklet is 2 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches and has three stamp envel
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 30.00 | Estimate : 60.00 - 100.00
Hyatt, John Spain Documents (2)  1894 [159932]2420 - Hyatt, John Spain Documents (2) 1894 [159932]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
2 documents related to John Hyatt while he was in Spain. Union Hero Americana Society, June 11, 1894, making John Hyatt a member on account of certain
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 150.00 | Estimate : 300.00 - 1,000.00
Hyatt, John Cuba Documents (3)  1893 [159931]2421 - Hyatt, John Cuba Documents (3) 1893 [159931]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Framed John Hyatt appointment by Walter Q. Gresham, Secretary of State, as American Vice Counsel to Santiago de Cuba, dated September 12, 1893, on his
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 150.00 | Estimate : 300.00 - 1,500.00
Russia Communist Poster, 1976 [177996]2422 - Russia Communist Poster, 1976 [177996]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
1976 Russian poster, Proletarians of All Countries Unite. 33x22", small edge tears. Russia
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 150.00 - 250.00
Sold to G**V for (75.00 + 18.75BP) = 93.75
England v. France War Bond Document, 1693 [178971]2423 - England v. France War Bond Document, 1693 [178971]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
1693 England v. France War receipt for raising money for the war. Paid by a new or higher tax on alcohol. Signed by Henry Gough in lower left, probabl
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 150.00 - 250.00
Sold to S*******3 for (100.00 + 25.00BP) = 125.00
Regimental Crests 1880-1909 [178485]2424 - Regimental Crests 1880-1909 [178485]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Notebook with Victorian British regimental crests. All date between about 1880 and 1908. These were cut from letterheads, envelopes, etc. Includes cav
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
Sold to u********y.. for (60.00 + 15.00BP) = 75.00
Slave Trader, Vernon, William Letters / Inventory Lists (11)  1700s [172237]2425 - Slave Trader, Vernon, William Letters / Inventory Lists (11) 1700s [172237]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This group consists of letters and inventory lists of items received or shipped by merchants William and Samuel Vernon. William Vernon Esq.(1719-18
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 1,000.00 | Estimate : 2,000.00 - 5,000.00
War of 1812 Document, 1814 [179057]2426 - War of 1812 Document, 1814 [179057]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
1814 Massachusetts document related to the War of 1812 to pay rations, uniforms and arms. 13x8", some foxing and small crease tears. Please ins...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 120.00 - 200.00
Sold to d*******f for (160.00 + 40.00BP) = 200.00
US Naval Astronomical Expedition 1849- 1852, [179352]2427 - US Naval Astronomical Expedition 1849- 1852, [179352]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
US Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere during the years 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, by Lieut. Jay M Gilliss, volume 2, 33rd Congress,
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 200.00 | Estimate : 400.00 - 1,200.00
Army Seargent Proceeds Letter, 1850 [178976]2428 - Army Seargent Proceeds Letter, 1850 [178976]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
1850 Army letter regarding the proceeds of Sgt. Samuel Smith of Company A, 5th Regiment infantry, who died at East Passagola(sic) Miss on May 8, 1848.
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 100.00 | Estimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Civil War Surgeon Dr. Robert Reid Diary [178833]2429 - Civil War Surgeon Dr. Robert Reid Diary [178833]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is the journal of Dr. Robert King Reid, son of a protestant minister, who studied at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia and came to Califo
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 250.00 | Estimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
Civil War Senator John Conness Autograph  c1860s [155391]2430 - Civil War Senator John Conness Autograph c1860s [155391]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Cut square autograph, John Conness, Cal. 4 x 5.5" Conness served as a US Senator for California from 1863-69. Before that, he was a member of t...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to d*******f for (110.00 + 27.50BP) = 137.50
Civil War Letter, General Long  1862 [178850]2431 - Civil War Letter, General Long 1862 [178850]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
1862 letter on Everett House letterhead from General T W J Long regarding sending troops etc. St. Louis Missouri Robert Coelln Collection
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (100.00 + 25.00BP) = 125.00
Civil War Andersonville Prison Birdseye View Print [164360]2432 - Civil War Andersonville Prison Birdseye View Print [164360]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Birdseye view of infamous Andersonville Prison From the Southeast print mounted on linen backing. Bold colors, slight vertical crease on left side. 17
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 500.00 | Estimate : 1,000.00 - 4,000.00
Civil War Canteen and Drinking Cup [158589]2433 - Civil War Canteen and Drinking Cup [158589]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This lot holds a civil war canteen and drinking cup. The canteen is complete with cloth strap and original cork top. 8 in. in diameter; good conditio
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 800.00 - 1,600.00
Sold to d*******f for (425.00 + 106.25BP) = 531.25
Civil War Music Drafted into the Army  1862 [130542]2434 - Civil War Music Drafted into the Army 1862 [130542]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
1862 Words and music by Henry C Work', United States, 1862. The publisher is listed as Root and Cady. Important and interesting music. This musi...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 75.00 | Estimate : 150.00 - 300.00
Civil War Pictorial First Edition [178480]2435 - Civil War Pictorial First Edition [178480]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Huge (24"x 20" Civil War book. Battles of the Civil War by Kurz & Allen. This book is over 2 feet wide and housed in its original arch...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 200.00 | Estimate : 400.00 - 600.00
Civil War Prison Book Trio [179321]2436 - Civil War Prison Book Trio [179321]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
1867 The Capture, The Prison Pen, and the Escape, Giving a Complete History of Prison Life in the South... by Glazier, 400pp with plate illustrations-
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 100.00 | Estimate : 200.00 - 500.00
Civil War-Union Photo w/Black Cook [178974]2437 - Civil War-Union Photo w/Black Cook [178974]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Civil War photo of a Union unit with an African American cook. Photo by Platt, Lakeside and East Toledo, Ohio. Several names on verso in ink with 25c
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
Sold to k******H for (90.00 + 22.50BP) = 112.50
Civil War Book Trio [174302]2438 - Civil War Book Trio [174302]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Women of the War;Heroism and Self-Sacrifice by Moore-596pp, both boards detaching, some foxing. 1863 Report of the Joint Committee of the Conduct of t
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 100.00 - 400.00
Sold to S*******3 for (50.00 + 12.50BP) = 62.50
Ulysses Grant Print, 1864 [179065]2439 - Ulysses Grant Print, 1864 [179065]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
1864 print of U S Grant, engraving by J C Buttre, NY. Photograph by Barr & Young. 16.5x13.5". This print has been removed from a frame and ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 100.00 | Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
US Grant and His Family Print in Old Frame [178959]2440 - US Grant and His Family Print in Old Frame [178959]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
1867 print of Grant and His Family by W. Sartain in an old walnut veneer frame with a few small condition issues and old glass. Some spots of margins,
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (110.00 + 27.50BP) = 137.50
G A R Fremont Ribbon, 1875 [177587]2441 - G A R Fremont Ribbon, 1875 [177587]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Teal cloth ribbon, 1875/National/Encampment/ G A R with John and Jessie Fremont portraits on verso, 6x2.5".
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 25.00 | Estimate : 50.00 - 100.00
Captian Jack Crawford Docs c.1914 & friend Henry Clay Grand  [178154]2442 - Captian Jack Crawford Docs c.1914 & friend Henry Clay Grand [178154]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
A poem "To Mrs. Harry Cerrey Johnson" was written by "Captain Jack" Crawford in 1914. Captain Jack was an illiterate immigrant b...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 220.00 | Estimate : 440.00 - 600.00
Rock Island Arsenal Marked Spurs 1880s [161279]2443 - Rock Island Arsenal Marked Spurs 1880s [161279]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is a set of spurs marked "R.I.A. 1905" (Rock Island Arsenal) with original black leather straps. One spur has an inspector's mark...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 600.00 | Estimate : 1,200.00 - 1,500.00
U.S. Cavalry Bugle, Conn Instruments c.1880s-90s [160003]2444 - U.S. Cavalry Bugle, Conn Instruments c.1880s-90s [160003]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is an original bugle for the US Cavalry made by Conn instruments. It is 15 in. long without the mouthpiece. Made of brass and copper. It is marke
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 500.00 | Estimate : 1,000.00 - 2,000.00
Military Vintage Book Trio [179327]2445 - Military Vintage Book Trio [179327]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
3 smaller works. 1918 Army song book, 91pp. 1882 Manual of Guard Duty for the Regular Army, Volunteers, and Militia of the United States, 397pp with i
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 60.00 | Estimate : 120.00 - 200.00
WWI Era Government Padlock [178228]2446 - WWI Era Government Padlock [178228]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
A government issued padlock & key from the early 20th century, possibly WWI. It looks like a railroad switch lock, but there no markings to indi...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to 9*****H for (100.00 + 25.00BP) = 125.00
WWI RPCs (13) [178488]2447 - WWI RPCs (13) [178488]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Collection of 13 WWI postcards and real photo postcards (RPPC). Mostly British. please see photos for more details.
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 25.00 | Estimate : 50.00 - 80.00
WWII Bombed Out Dresden Photos, 6 [179053]2448 - WWII Bombed Out Dresden Photos, 6 [179053]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
6 World War 2 7x9.5" photos of Dresden, Germany after Allied bombing. Buildings, vehicles, victims etc. Lightly wrinkled. Dresden
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 120.00 - 200.00
Sold to 7*******r for (60.00 + 15.00BP) = 75.00
WWII Hitler's Eagles' Nest Photos c1946 (16) [178677]2449 - WWII Hitler's Eagles' Nest Photos c1946 (16) [178677]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
A collection of 16 photos of Hitler's Eagle's Nest, a Nazi-constructed building erected atop the summit of the Kehlstein in Germany, visited...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 100.00 - 150.00
Sold to 7*******r for (90.00 + 22.50BP) = 112.50
WWII Bombardier Aerial Photos, 13 [179050]2450 - WWII Bombardier Aerial Photos, 13 [179050]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
13 WW2 10x10" bombardier aerial photos over Italy, Austria and Yugoslavia. These photos verify the bomb targets in flames.
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 160.00 - 250.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (80.00 + 20.00BP) = 100.00
WWII British Ammo Pouch [178487]2451 - WWII British Ammo Pouch [178487]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
British WWII khaki canvas ammo pouch. Very fine condition. Measures 11"x 6". Please see photos for more details.
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 50.00 - 80.00
Sold to a*****s for (20.00 + 5.00BP) = 25.00
WWII Patches, Challenge Coins & More  [178501]2452 - WWII Patches, Challenge Coins & More [178501]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Lot of WWII to Iraqi War patches and challenge coins. Includes numerous patches, jump wing ovals, vintage challenge coins, Vietnam War ephemera, Iraqi
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 150.00 - 200.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (75.00 + 18.75BP) = 93.75
WWII War Bonds Poster [167628]2453 - WWII War Bonds Poster [167628]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Original "Doing all you can, brother?/ BUY WAR BONDS" WW2 poster with head bandaged soldier. Nice condition, 40x28".
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 200.00 | Estimate : 400.00 - 800.00
Spanish-American War Print McLoughlin Bros. Catalogue  [179129]2454 - Spanish-American War Print McLoughlin Bros. Catalogue [179129]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
A McLoughlin Bros. Catalogue print, No. 1525, "A Heart Breaking Parting," depicts what appears to be a Spanish-American War scene of a sol...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 250.00 | Estimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
U.S. Air Force Wool Top Coat & Dress Uniform [158965]2455 - U.S. Air Force Wool Top Coat & Dress Uniform [158965]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
US Air Force wool top coat size 35L, needs cleaning. Vintage dress uniform, jacket size 40L, slacks 34/33.
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 150.00 | Estimate : 300.00 - 400.00
U.S. Navy Training Bomb MK-15 Model 4 (Inert) [161089]2456 - U.S. Navy Training Bomb MK-15 Model 4 (Inert) [161089]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This inert training bomb was used by the U.S. Navy with a manufacture date of 3-65 (March of 1965) an MK-15 model 4 for water and sand fill. In origin
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 600.00 - 800.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (325.00 + 81.25BP) = 406.25
Israeli Gas Masks w/filters, Model  4A1 [173602]2457 - Israeli Gas Masks w/filters, Model 4A1 [173602]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Lot of 3 gas masks (each come with NATO filter) plus 3x additional replacement filters, for a total of 6 filters. All unused, unopened. Includes 2x Sw
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 250.00 | Estimate : 500.00 - 700.00
Vietnam Era Ground Troop Helmet & Cover [178484]2458 - Vietnam Era Ground Troop Helmet & Cover [178484]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Vietnam era M1 ground troop helmet. Complete with liner, chinstrap, and Mitchell cover. Dated 1967. Has a couple of shallow dents in the helmet and so
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 300.00 - 500.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (100.00 + 25.00BP) = 125.00
Vietnam-Fall of Saigon Photos (3) Life Magazine [179056]2459 - Vietnam-Fall of Saigon Photos (3) Life Magazine [179056]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Dick Swanson was a Life magazine photographer and here are 2 fall Saigon photos with 1 by Swanson and another by D. Duncan. Both 7x10". Also 10...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 60.00 | Estimate : 120.00 - 150.00
Spy Craft OSS (Strategic Service) Hardware & Library [164094]2460 - Spy Craft OSS (Strategic Service) Hardware & Library [164094]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
The materiala in this lot are from the private collection of an OSS member during WW2, the 1940's. The OSS or Office of Strategic Service was th...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 5,000.00 - 10,000.00
Sold to d*******f for (7,000.00 + 1,750.00BP) = 8,750.00
Portuguese Hand Cannon c.1600s [152592]2461 - Portuguese Hand Cannon c.1600s [152592]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This Portuguese hand cannon was used to prevent unwanted boarders. At .70 cal. this would be a very persuasive deterrent against boarding pirates or e
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 3,500.00 | Estimate : 7,000.00 - 10,000.00
Contract Pistol by Henry Aston & Co. 1851 [152580]2462 - Contract Pistol by Henry Aston & Co. 1851 [152580]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is an 1842 U.S. Ordinance contract pistol Model 1842 at .60 cal. made by Henry Aston of Middletown, Conn. It has a date of 1851 on the lock-plat
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,400.00 - 3,000.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (800.00 + 200.00BP) = 1,000.00
Cavalry Pinfire Revolver,  E.LaFaucheux 12 mm  Model 1858 [178155]2463 - Cavalry Pinfire Revolver, E.LaFaucheux 12 mm Model 1858 [178155]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is a 6 shot E. LeFaucheux cavalry pinfire pistol model 1858. Likely imported the the United States during the civil war. S/N "LF 1534"...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 700.00 - 1,500.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (650.00 + 162.50BP) = 812.50
Springfield Trapdoor Rifle Model 1873 [152270]2464 - Springfield Trapdoor Rifle Model 1873 [152270]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Saddle Ring Carbine .45-70 Model 1873. This Springfield trapdoor SRC is S/N 139196 with a birthdate of November, 1880 chambered for .45-70. The finis
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 3,000.00 - 4,000.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (1,500.00 + 375.00BP) = 1,875.00
Kentucky Pistol .38 cal. Muzzleloading Single Shot  [161248]2465 - Kentucky Pistol .38 cal. Muzzleloading Single Shot [161248]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is a single shot muzzle loading Kentucky pistol at .38 caliber. Smoothbore, percussion lock. The stock is stained maple, 11 in. blued barrel case
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 50.00 | Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Pistol Conversion Kits (2) w/magazines [178148]2466 - Pistol Conversion Kits (2) w/magazines [178148]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
L.A.R. Grizzly Pistol Conversion Kits, .357/45 GWM & .45 Win. Magnum (2) plus MagazinesThis lot holds two conversion kits for the L.A.R. Grizzly...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
Sold to d*******f for (700.00 + 175.00BP) = 875.00
Beretta 9 mm Magazines (4) [178149]2467 - Beretta 9 mm Magazines (4) [178149]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Military/Law Enforcement. This lot of (4) Beretta magazines fits the Beretta M9. It is the choice of the U.S. military, Navy Seals, and law enforcemen
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 140.00 - 200.00
Sold to p********n for (75.00 + 18.75BP) = 93.75
Bull Barrel Reloading Dies .224 Clark [178151]2468 - Bull Barrel Reloading Dies .224 Clark [178151]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
There is a 24 in. bull barrel designed for a bolt action rifle. The .224 Clark can also be built on the AR platform as well. There are three tool relo
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (100.00 + 25.00BP) = 125.00
Winchester Repeating Arms 1899 Calendar, 1959 Reprint [179170]2469 - Winchester Repeating Arms 1899 Calendar, 1959 Reprint [179170]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
1959 reprint of 1899 Winchester Repeating Arms calendar in frame. 2 hunting scenes. 27x14.5". Some edge degradation and paper loss below Repeat...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 120.00 - 200.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (80.00 + 20.00BP) = 100.00
Winchester Repeating Arms Co. Letterhead signed by Winchester Bennet V.P. [150528]2470 - Winchester Repeating Arms Co. Letterhead signed by Winchester Bennet V.P. [150528]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This typed letter on Winchester Arm Company letterhead is signed by the Vice President Winchester Bennett, grandson of Oliver Winchester. Winchester B
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 150.00 | Estimate : 300.00 - 1,000.00
Tintype-Gentleman w/Winchester c1880s [178174]2471 - Tintype-Gentleman w/Winchester c1880s [178174]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This tintype photo is of a gentleman that is armed with a model Winchester model 1886 and two Smith & Wesson revolvers. He doesn't wear a ba...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 150.00 - 200.00
Sold to k******H for (200.00 + 50.00BP) = 250.00
Winchester Model 1873 .38 WCF Octagon Barrel c. 1888 [164119]2472 - Winchester Model 1873 .38 WCF Octagon Barrel c. 1888 [164119]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is a WInchester model 1873 with a birthday in 1888 S/N 263386 . It is chambered for 38 WCF and has a 24 in. octagon barrel and a full length mag
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 2,000.00 - 3,000.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (1,100.00 + 275.00BP) = 1,375.00
Colt Texas Paterson Revolver Beaded Elk Hide Holster [164113]2473 - Colt Texas Paterson Revolver Beaded Elk Hide Holster [164113]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This beaded holster is tanned elk hide, hand stitched. The beads are large seed beads with the obsolete greasy yellow beads. Light blue, flame red, a
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,800.00 - 3,000.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (950.00 + 237.50BP) = 1,187.50
Colt Model 1848 Baby Dragoon c.1849 [154142]2474 - Colt Model 1848 Baby Dragoon c.1849 [154142]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This little pistol by Colt is the Pocket Model of 1848, AKA the Baby Bragoon, S/N 9331 presented on the frame, barrel lug, trigger guard, butt plate,
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 2,800.00 | Estimate : 5,600.00 - 7,000.00
Colt Single Action Army Revolver .38-40 cal. c.1893 First Gen.  [164118]2475 - Colt Single Action Army Revolver .38-40 cal. c.1893 First Gen. [164118]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is a nickel plated Colt revolver Single Action Army S/N 150696 built in 1893 with a 7.5 in barrel and chambered for .38-40 cal. The revolver is b
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 4,000.00 - 7,000.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (3,100.00 + 775.00BP) = 3,875.00
Cowboy w/Colt Rifle  C.H. Wells Photographer c1880s [178173]2476 - Cowboy w/Colt Rifle C.H. Wells Photographer c1880s [178173]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This cabinet card depicts a cowboy in a frontier outfit well heeled with two Colt single action armies and one Colt Burgess rifle. The Burgess helps d
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 150.00 - 250.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (900.00 + 225.00BP) = 1,125.00
Colt Documents c1855 w/Sam Colt quote  [178163]2477 - Colt Documents c1855 w/Sam Colt quote [178163]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Hummel and Soubie Gunsmiths and Dealers. This lot has three documents about Colt revolvers between two gun dealers in 1854 and 1855. One document i
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (275.00 + 68.75BP) = 343.75
Colt Historical Prints 1836 -1873  [178175]2478 - Colt Historical Prints 1836 -1873 [178175]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
c.1946 This complete set of Colt Historical Prints were gifted to Jeff Milton, a Texas Ranger, and later Arizona Ranger. The set is complete and cove
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 300.00 - 500.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (300.00 + 75.00BP) = 375.00
Business Card -Sporting Goods & Guns, c1875 [178161]2479 - Business Card -Sporting Goods & Guns, c1875 [178161]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This business card is for A.J. Plate & Co. of San Francisco, Ca. The address reads 418 and 420 Market St. with the Sacramento St. address lined-...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 120.00 - 200.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (60.00 + 15.00BP) = 75.00
Catalog, E.C. Meacham Arms Co. 1891 [178164]2480 - Catalog, E.C. Meacham Arms Co. 1891 [178164]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This catalog by E.C. Meacham Arms of St. Louis was printed on November 6th, of 1891; catalog #470, with the front page replaced, 54 pages. Need 12 ga
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 60.00 | Estimate : 120.00 - 300.00
Firearms Library 1919- 1981  [164100]2481 - Firearms Library 1919- 1981 [164100]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
America's Munition 1917-1918 by Crowell, hardcover, pp. 592, 1919, foxed corners blue fabric. This book has an audio recording in the frontispie...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to s********v.. for (110.00 + 27.50BP) = 137.50
WWII Machete Model 191 (Yucatan Peninsula) [161197]2482 - WWII Machete Model 191 (Yucatan Peninsula) [161197]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This machete is marked "LEGITIMUS/COLLINS & CC/ made in USA/ no. 191" on the left side. This one saw use in the Yucatan Peninsula by t...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
Sold to b********t.. for (140.00 + 35.00BP) = 175.00
Sepik River Spear Thrower, New Guinea [156884]2483 - Sepik River Spear Thrower, New Guinea [156884]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Sepik River Alta Altz spear thrower. Late 19th century New Guinea thrower of finely carved wood. Zoomorphic effigy with braided root lashings. Appears
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 175.00 | Estimate : 350.00 - 700.00
Indian Wars Tomahawk Spike Hand Forged  c1750-1780 [179206]2484 - Indian Wars Tomahawk Spike Hand Forged c1750-1780 [179206]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This hand forged tomahawk head is 5.75 in. long with a 3/4 in. opening for a handle. From the Indian Wars era of Colonial America. C. 1750-1780. 13 o
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 450.00 | Estimate : 900.00 - 1,200.00
Cavalry Swords-Ames  (2) w/wood Display c1850 [179203]2485 - Cavalry Swords-Ames (2) w/wood Display c1850 [179203]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
The first sword is marked "N.P. Ames/ Cabotville (Mass.)/ 1848" in a heavy font left side. The right side is marked "US / RC" a...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,000.00 - 2,000.00
Sold to V******y for (500.00 + 125.00BP) = 625.00
Sword-Knights of Pythias Member Nugent 1890s [179202]2486 - Sword-Knights of Pythias Member Nugent 1890s [179202]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Knights of Pythias Sword issued to Georege T. Nugent 1890s. This sword is marked for the fraternity of The Knights of Pythias, a benevolent society be
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 600.00
Sold to l******8 for (100.00 + 25.00BP) = 125.00
Headhunter's Knife Indonesia or Mandau-Borneo  [177753]2487 - Headhunter's Knife Indonesia or Mandau-Borneo [177753]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This mandua or knife is built in the traditional form as used by headhunters in Borneo. The knife is 25 in. overall length with a 20 in. blade and two
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 150.00 | Estimate : 300.00 - 500.00
Rantanen Knife Works Clip Point Hunter [178120]2488 - Rantanen Knife Works Clip Point Hunter [178120]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Ray Rantanen makes knives out of Athol, Idaho. This one is 13.5 in. overall length with a 8.25 in. clip point blade. The familiar Rantanen incluse &...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 500.00 - 800.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (200.00 + 50.00BP) = 250.00
Ruana Bowie Knife New Model 1 /Sheath [178124]2489 - Ruana Bowie Knife New Model 1 /Sheath [178124]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This Bowie knife from Ruana measures at 10.5 in. with a 6 in. clip point blade typical of the Bowie shape. The top of the blade is also sharp and defi
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 800.00 - 1,200.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (475.00 + 118.75BP) = 593.75
Ruana Fixed Straight Blade Knife w/Wood Scales [177765]2490 - Ruana Fixed Straight Blade Knife w/Wood Scales [177765]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This fixed blade Ruana is 7.75 in. overall length with a 4 in. straight blade. It has an aluminum frame well cast and polished with hardwood walnut st
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 600.00 - 800.00
Sold to m**********d for (400.00 + 100.00BP) = 500.00
Ruana Hunter model 27C Knife w/Rudolph Ruana Book [178122]2491 - Ruana Hunter model 27C Knife w/Rudolph Ruana Book [178122]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This Ruana hunter is a model 27C at 11.5 in.overall length and a 7 in. blade. The elk antler scales are pinned with aluminum pins, hammered to fit the
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,200.00 - 1,500.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (1,100.00 + 275.00BP) = 1,375.00
Ruana Hunter w/Sheath [177767]2492 - Ruana Hunter w/Sheath [177767]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This hunting knife is marked "RH Ruana/ Bonner/ Montana" with the "M" stamp forward. 14 in. overall length and 9 in. clip point ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,200.00 - 1,400.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (1,250.00 + 312.50BP) = 1,562.50
Ruana Model 10A Signed / numbered [177764]2493 - Ruana Model 10A Signed / numbered [177764]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This straight back sheath knife is a Ruana model 10A at 6.5 in. with a 3.625 in. blade. On a cast aluminum frame, full tang, marked "VH 07"...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 800.00 - 1,000.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (1,000.00 + 250.00BP) = 1,250.00
Ruana New Model #3 Skinner [178125]2494 - Ruana New Model #3 Skinner [178125]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This Ruana knife is a skinner new model #3 at 9 in. overall length and a 4.5 in. blade. An aluminum frame with elk antler scales, hammered pins, mark
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 700.00 - 900.00
Sold to w**********e for (475.00 + 118.75BP) = 593.75
Ruana Pencil Knife [177762]2495 - Ruana Pencil Knife [177762]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This little beauty from Ruana knives is a "pencil" thin skinner with a hidden tang in an antler tip handle. The antler is shaped to match ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (425.00 + 106.25BP) = 531.25
Ruana Skinner w/Straight Sticker Blade-NEW [178128]2496 - Ruana Skinner w/Straight Sticker Blade-NEW [178128]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This new Ruana #2 is 9.5 in. overall length with a 5 in. straight blade. On an all aluminum frame, with the usual elk antler scales hammer pinned in p
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 700.00 - 900.00
Sold to H********F.. for (475.00 + 118.75BP) = 593.75
Ruana Skinner w/Sheath 1940's [177766]2497 - Ruana Skinner w/Sheath 1940's [177766]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is a skinning knife marked "RH Ruana/ Bonner/ Montana" "Bonner" is only lightly stamped. This may be a Ruana #2 model. A s...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 700.00 - 900.00
Sold to w**********e for (375.00 + 93.75BP) = 468.75
Ruana Stag Handled Skinner Knife [178126]2498 - Ruana Stag Handled Skinner Knife [178126]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This Ruana skinner is 8.5 in. with a 4 in. skinner blade. Stag handle elk grips. Signed in script "Ruana /VH" right side ricasso. A brass ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 800.00 - 1,000.00
Sold to w**********e for (750.00 + 187.50BP) = 937.50
Ruana Sticker Knife  [177763]2499 - Ruana Sticker Knife [177763]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This Ruana knife has a straight back spine giving us the nickname "sticker". At 9.5 in. overall length and a 5 in. straight blade. The fra...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 800.00 - 1,000.00
Sold to w**********e for (600.00 + 150.00BP) = 750.00
Ruana Trailing Point Blade Knife Stacked Antler & Brass [178123]2500 - Ruana Trailing Point Blade Knife Stacked Antler & Brass [178123]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is a Ruana hunting knife with a trailing point blade; the handle is stacked elk antler grips separated with a walnut center. It is 8.5 in. with a
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 700.00 - 900.00
Sold to w**********e for (950.00 + 237.50BP) = 1,187.50