American History & Hall of Fame Showcase, June 2024

Auction CurrencyUSD Auction Location3555 Airway Drive Suite 308, Reno, Nevada, 89511, United States In Person PreviewPreview

Auction Details

Thur, June 6 Lots 1000-1590
Art (1001-1091)
Native Americana (1092-1207)
Jewelry & Watches (1208-1241)
Collectibles (1242-1279)
Books / Antiquarian (1280-1537)
Medical (1538-1543)
Advertising (1544-1580)
Toys & Children (1581-1590)

Fri, June 7 Lots 2000-2550
Maps (2000-2059)
Transportation & Railroad (2060-2550)
Railroad Passes
Stocks (2535-2550)
Railroad, Banking, other

Sat, June 8 Lots 3000-3595
Wells Fargo & Express (3000-3019)
Outlaws & Lawmen (3020-3097
Autographs (3098-3109)
Revolutionary War & Early Military (3110-3130
President Lincoln (3130-3219
JFK Assassination (3220-3248
Black American (3249-3256)
Civil War (3257-3307)
Custer, Gen George A. (3308-3353)
Presidential (3354-3388)
Firearms & Weapons (3389-3467)
Sports / Hall of Fame (3468-3595)
Baseball (3468-3562)
Basketball (3563-3564)
Boxing (3565-3572)
Football (3573-3577)
Other (3578-3595)

Sun, June 9 Lots 4000-4600
Mining (4000-4189)
Numismatics (4190-4314)
Tokens (4315-4329)
World's Fair (4330-4340)
Bottles (4341-4367)
Saloon (4368-4376)
Tobacco (4377-4380)
Gaming (4381-4388)
Cowboy (4389-4392)
Entertainment (4393-4426)
Music (4427-4450)
Photographs (4451-4481)
Ephemera (4482-4569)
Philatelic (4570-4600)
UNCLAIMED MERCHANDISE: In the event that a successful bidder has paid in full for their merchandise but fails to settle outstanding shipping invoices or make arrangements for merchandise pickup within 60 days, HWAC reserves the right to declare the merchandise forfeited. This forfeiture will result in the merchandise becoming the property of HWAC and the successful bidder shall have no claim to or rights over the forfeited merchandise.
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WW2 German Bayonet made by Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Co.  [181530]3400 - WW2 German Bayonet made by Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Co. [181530]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This WW2 German bayonet was made by Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Co. The bayonet is 20. 5 in. overall length with a 16 in. blade. The grips are alum...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 160.00 - 200.00
Sold to b********t.. for (100.00 + 25.00BP) = 125.00
WW2 German Dress Bayonet made by Eickhorn   [181531]3401 - WW2 German Dress Bayonet made by Eickhorn [181531]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This WW2 German bayonet is marked Eickhorn on the left ricasso with the familiar sitting squirrel logo. Marked "Original/ sitting squirrel/xxck...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 180.00 - 200.00
Sold to b********t.. for (130.00 + 32.50BP) = 162.50
WW2 Marine Corp Issue Kabar Knife with Sheath    [179227]3402 - WW2 Marine Corp Issue Kabar Knife with Sheath [179227]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This sheath knife is marked "Kabar" on the left side. Kabar without any hyphen. It also has an aluminum pommel indicating an early model i...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 2,500.00 | Estimate : 5,000.00 - 6,000.00
WW2 M1 Carbine Vintage  [180267]3403 - WW2 M1 Carbine Vintage [180267]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is an M1 carbine 30 cal. M1. Marked "US Carbine, S/N 6267534 "Inland Div." It has the Springfield cartouche on the right side st...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,000.00 - 1,200.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (700.00 + 175.00BP) = 875.00
Israeli Gas Masks w/Filters Model 4A1 (3)  [173602]3404 - Israeli Gas Masks w/Filters Model 4A1 (3) [173602]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Lot of 3 gas masks (each come with NATO filter) plus 3x additional replacement filters, for a total of 6 filters. All unused, unopened. Includes 2x Sw
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 175.00 | Estimate : 350.00 - 700.00
Vietnam US Marine Corps Recruiting Table Cover  [181011]3405 - Vietnam US Marine Corps Recruiting Table Cover [181011]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
A U.S. Marine Corps Vietnam recruiting table cover. Red felt with gold felt trim and lettering which reads, U.S. Marine Corps Recruiting Service, with
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 120.00 - 200.00
Sold to d*******f for (65.00 + 16.25BP) = 81.25
Firearms History Library (23) w/US Army Field Manuals  [181544]3406 - Firearms History Library (23) w/US Army Field Manuals [181544]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This collection of firearms books is at 12 books and several US army field manuals. 1) Guns on the Early Frontiers by Carl Russell hardcover with lam
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
Sold to d*******f for (100.00 + 25.00BP) = 125.00
Gun Books, 4  [181685]3407 - Gun Books, 4 [181685]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
1949 Complete Guide to Handloading by Sharpe, 1959 Fireside Book of Guns by Koller, The Crossbow by Gallwey with DJ. 1966 History of Winchester Firear
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 75.00 | Estimate : 150.00 - 200.00
Faultless Gun Co. Side by Side Shotgun 12 ga. 1880's  [180264]3408 - Faultless Gun Co. Side by Side Shotgun 12 ga. 1880's [180264]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This side by side shotgun is made by Faultless Gun Co. in 12 ga. and in a "Belgium Fine Damascus Finish" on the top flat. A hammer gun wit...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 300.00 - 500.00
Sold to m*********4 for (160.00 + 40.00BP) = 200.00
Lyman Great Plains Rifle .54 cal.   [180275]3409 - Lyman Great Plains Rifle .54 cal. [180275]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is a Lyman muzzle-loading rifle at .54 cal. S/N 390293. This rifle is one of the most accurate muzzle-loading rifles ever built short of a custom
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 250.00 | Estimate : 500.00 - 700.00
Colt Model 1848 Baby Dragoon c1849  [154142]3410 - Colt Model 1848 Baby Dragoon c1849 [154142]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This little pistol by Colt is the Pocket Model of 1848, AKA the Baby Bragoon, S/N 9331 presented on the frame, barrel lug, trigger guard, butt plate,
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 4,000.00 - 5,000.00
Sold to j*********1 for (2,000.00 + 500.00BP) = 2,500.00
Colt Colteer model 1-22  [180268]3411 - Colt Colteer model 1-22 [180268]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is a Colt Colteer 1-22; a single shot bolt action rifle cambered for .22 long rifle. Marked "*The Colt Colteer 1-22 - Cal. .22 LR*". ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 200.00 | Estimate : 400.00 - 600.00
Springfield Musket 1863 Converted to Trapdoor .45-70  [180254]3412 - Springfield Musket 1863 Converted to Trapdoor .45-70 [180254]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This model 1863 Springfield musket has been converted to cartridge in 1870, marked "Odell/1870" at the trapdoor. Marked 1863 on the lock. ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 500.00 | Estimate : 1,000.00 - 1,800.00
Springfield Trapdoor Musket Coat & Hat Rack  [180273]3413 - Springfield Trapdoor Musket Coat & Hat Rack [180273]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This model 1884 trapdoor Springfield is the real-deal. S/N 362968 with a birthdate of April, 1887. It has been chrome plated, oil finished, has a blue
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 700.00 - 1,200.00
Sold to d*******f for (475.00 + 118.75BP) = 593.75
Remington Sportsman model 58 Shotgun 16 ga.   [180257]3414 - Remington Sportsman model 58 Shotgun 16 ga. [180257]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This Remington Sportsman-58 is chambered for 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. shells, Full choke. S/N 76611W. It has an engraved receiver, 27 in. barrel, semi-automat
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 600.00 - 800.00
Sold to d*******f for (450.00 + 112.50BP) = 562.50
Remington WIngmaster 870 Pump Shotgun 20 ga.  [180256]3415 - Remington WIngmaster 870 Pump Shotgun 20 ga. [180256]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This Remington is a Wingmaster model 870 in the desirable 20 ga. chambered for 2 3/4 in. shells, Full choke on a 27 in. barrel S/N S367472X. In like
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 400.00 | Estimate : 800.00 - 1,200.00
Marlin Model 60 .22 cal. rifle  [180269]3416 - Marlin Model 60 .22 cal. rifle [180269]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This Marlin is a semi-automatic .22 cal. rifle; model 60. micro-groove rifling "Cal. . 22LR ONLY" S/N 17486783. 21 in. barrel full length...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 200.00 | Estimate : 400.00 - 500.00
Belgium Import Side by Side Black Powder Shotgun 12 ga.   [180265]3417 - Belgium Import Side by Side Black Powder Shotgun 12 ga. [180265]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This side by side shotgun is 12 ga. made in Belgium, no name of Manufacturer. It has back-action locks, percussion ignition with ramrod with 33 in. ba
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 300.00 - 400.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (150.00 + 37.50BP) = 187.50
Sako L57 .244  Improved caliber Rifle  [180270]3418 - Sako L57 .244 Improved caliber Rifle [180270]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is a Sako L57 chambered for .244 Improved. Marked "Washburn Arms 244 Imp." parkerized finish on the barrel with a high gloss finish o...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 800.00 | Estimate : 1,600.00 - 2,000.00
French Deck Cannon, cast-iron, mounted into Lion Mouth Trunnions   [157642]3419 - French Deck Cannon, cast-iron, mounted into Lion Mouth Trunnions [157642]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
The deck cannon barrel is 25 inches long, 29 inches overall length. The height is 21 inches overall, the wheels are 4 inches in diameter and the over
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,500.00 - 4,000.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (2,200.00 + 550.00BP) = 2,750.00
Barnert In Johansthal SIde by Side Shotgun  [180263]3420 - Barnert In Johansthal SIde by Side Shotgun [180263]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is a percussion side by side shotgun in 12 ga. by Barnert of Johnanstahal. With double trigger, Damascus barrels 16.75 in. The stock is broken at
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 500.00
Sold to d*******f for (200.00 + 50.00BP) = 250.00
Suhler Waffenwek Merkel Shotgun 16 ga. Over-Under  [180261]3421 - Suhler Waffenwek Merkel Shotgun 16 ga. Over-Under [180261]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This shotgun made by Gerbruder Merkel in Suhler Waffenwerk is in 16 ga. It has a cross-bolt lock-up design, made in Suhl, Germany. S/N 29303 28 in. b
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 500.00 - 700.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (700.00 + 175.00BP) = 875.00
Angelo Zoli Shotgun 12 ga. Field Special  [180255]3422 - Angelo Zoli Shotgun 12 ga. Field Special [180255]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This Angelo Zoli 12 ga. model Field Special is chambered for 3 in. mag. shells. S/N 131010 has 28 in. barrels. Over brl. is Full; Under brl. is Improv
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 800.00 - 1,200.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (700.00 + 175.00BP) = 875.00
Berretta Shotgun model S.56E  [180258]3423 - Berretta Shotgun model S.56E [180258]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is a Beretta model S56E 12 ga. over/under shotgun with 28 in. barrels. S/N P14500 made with European walnut, factory engraved receiver chambered
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 800.00 - 1,000.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (700.00 + 175.00BP) = 875.00
Kawaguchia Firearms 12 ga. Over / Under Shotgun   [180259]3424 - Kawaguchia Firearms 12 ga. Over / Under Shotgun [180259]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This shotgun is made by Kawaguchia Firearms of Tokyo, Japan. Made in 12 ga., Model OT with 30 in. barrels, montecarlo stock, tight action, minor hand
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 500.00 - 600.00
Sold to a******a for (600.00 + 150.00BP) = 750.00
Portuguese Hand Cannon c.1600s  [152592]3425 - Portuguese Hand Cannon c.1600s [152592]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This Portuguese hand cannon was used to prevent unwanted boarders. At .70 cal. this would be a very persuasive deterrent against boarding pirates or e
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 1,500.00 | Estimate : 3,000.00 - 5,000.00
Harrington-Richardson model Lanber Shotgun 12 ga.   [180260]3426 - Harrington-Richardson model Lanber Shotgun 12 ga. [180260]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This shotgun made by Harrington-Richardson is the model Lanber, in 12 ga. with 28 in. barrels, over barrel-Improved Modified/ under- Improved Cylinder
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 500.00 - 800.00
Sold to a******a for (300.00 + 75.00BP) = 375.00
Samuel Evans of Cambridge Spur Trigger Pocket Pistol .50 cal.   [180281]3427 - Samuel Evans of Cambridge Spur Trigger Pocket Pistol .50 cal. [180281]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This little pocket pistol was made by Samuel Evans of London. Marked "EVANS/ Cambridge" on the receiver. It has a screw on barrel, smoothb...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 200.00 | Estimate : 400.00 - 600.00
A.H. Hardy Leather Shotgun Case 48 in.  [180272]3428 - A.H. Hardy Leather Shotgun Case 48 in. [180272]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This full leather gun case is made by A. H. Hardy of Beverly Hills, Ca. At 48 in. overall length. It was made for shotguns with an overall length of 4
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to d*******f for (100.00 + 25.00BP) = 125.00
Lyon & Coulson Leg of Mutton Gun Case  [180271]3429 - Lyon & Coulson Leg of Mutton Gun Case [180271]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This gun case "leg of Mutton' was made by Lyon & Coulson of Buffalo, New York. Model "G111/30". Overall length is made for s...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 100.00 | Estimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Federal Hi-Power Shot Shells 12 gauge (2)  [181538]3430 - Federal Hi-Power Shot Shells 12 gauge (2) [181538]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This lot holds two boxes of "Federal Hi-Power Shot Shells" 12 ga. 3 3/4 drams!! These shells are beautiful waxed paper without markings ex...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 100.00 | Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
Hazard Black Powder Can  [179219]3431 - Hazard Black Powder Can [179219]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is an empty one pound can of Hazard's Black Powder rated at Fg grade. Marked "Sea Shooting Gunpowder/ Duck size No. 1 /FG. Hazardville...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
Sold to d*******f for (100.00 + 25.00BP) = 125.00
Peters High Velocity .410 gauge shells (2)   [181533]3432 - Peters High Velocity .410 gauge shells (2) [181533]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This lot has two boxes of "Peters High Velocity extra power kleanbore priming .410 ga. "shells. They are 3 in. shells marked for skeet (9 ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 140.00 - 200.00
Sold to d*******f for (1.00 + 0.25BP) = 1.25
Peters High Velocity Plastic 16 gauge Shotgun Shells (2)  [181537]3433 - Peters High Velocity Plastic 16 gauge Shotgun Shells (2) [181537]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
These two boxes of "Peters High Velocity 16 ga." shot shells are complete and full. Marked " PS16X-31/4-11/8-6. These would be magnu...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 120.00 - 200.00
Sold to d*******f for (60.00 + 15.00BP) = 75.00
Peters Shotgun Shells 12 gauge (3)  [181536]3434 - Peters Shotgun Shells 12 gauge (3) [181536]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
There are three boxes of Peters 12 ga. "Peters High Velocity" and "Peters Victor" "Kleanbore Priming", blue boxes one ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to d*******f for (1.00 + 0.25BP) = 1.25
Remington .38 Special & Peters (4)  [181541]3435 - Remington .38 Special & Peters (4) [181541]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This lot has four boxes of .38 special; Peters red dot 158 grn. complete box of 50 rounds; Remington police service 158 grn. incomplete box; Remington
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to r*****r for (40.00 + 10.00BP) = 50.00
Remington &  Kurz BrowningSmall Bore Handgun Ammunition (3)  [181543]3436 - Remington & Kurz BrowningSmall Bore Handgun Ammunition (3) [181543]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This lot holds an incomplete box .380 cal. Remington Kleanbore with a green and red label. A second box of .32 cal. Remington Kleanbore is also incomp
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 50.00 | Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Remington 20 gauge Sur Shot  Winchester Dove & Quail (3)  [181535]3437 - Remington 20 gauge Sur Shot Winchester Dove & Quail (3) [181535]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Remington 20 gauge Sur Shot "New Remington Crimp" Shells Winchester Dove & Quail (3). This lot has two boxes of "Remington Sur Sh...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 100.00 | Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
Remington Express & Western Super X Shotgun Shells .28 Gauge (3)  [181534]3438 - Remington Express & Western Super X Shotgun Shells .28 Gauge (3) [181534]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This lot has two boxes of Western Super X shotgun shells 28 gauge. The first box is complete, the second box has 12 red paper Super X #6s incomplete.
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 60.00 | Estimate : 120.00 - 200.00
Remington Winchester & Gevelot .22 cal.   [181540]3439 - Remington Winchester & Gevelot .22 cal. [181540]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This lot holds a partial brick of .22 long rifle made by Remington; a partial box of Winchester "staynless" .22 shorts; and a partial box ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 50.00 | Estimate : 100.00 - 180.00
Weatherby Magnum Ammunition .270  (2)  [181539]3440 - Weatherby Magnum Ammunition .270 (2) [181539]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This lot has .270 Weatherby Magnum ammunition. This was the first magnum cartridge made available to the hunting public in 1945. One box (of twenty) i
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to d*******f for (40.00 + 10.00BP) = 50.00
Vintage African Weapons (3)  [181044]3441 - Vintage African Weapons (3) [181044]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
A set of three vintage African weapons, includes a bow, two-ended spear and what appears to be pointed nunchucks tied together with jute. All are hand
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
Sold to d*******f for (100.00 + 25.00BP) = 125.00
Indian Wars Tomahawk Spike Hand Forged  c1750-1780  [179206]3442 - Indian Wars Tomahawk Spike Hand Forged c1750-1780 [179206]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This hand forged tomahawk head is 5.75 in. long with a 3/4 in. opening for a handle. From the Indian Wars era of Colonial America. C. 1750-1780. 13 o
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 900.00 - 1,200.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (450.00 + 112.50BP) = 562.50
Buffalo Skinning Knife  [179234]3443 - Buffalo Skinning Knife [179234]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This skinning knife would have been a must-have on the open prairie in the 1870's. Skinning buffalo would have been real work even with the shar...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 325.00 | Estimate : 650.00 - 800.00
Skinning Knife 10.5 inches Handmade  [179214]3444 - Skinning Knife 10.5 inches Handmade [179214]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This knife is a skinner at 10.5 in. with a 6.5 in. skinning blade. Handmade in the style immortalized by Green River Knife Works of old. Carried by fu
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 120.00 | Estimate : 240.00 - 300.00
Throwing Knife  [179240]3445 - Throwing Knife [179240]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This throwing knife was built to take a lot of punishment. It is 10 in. overall length with a 5.5 in. dagger point blade. It was made without scales
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 50.00 | Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Handmade Fighting Knife  [179235]3446 - Handmade Fighting Knife [179235]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This gem of a handmade knife is 7 in. overall length and a 4.5 in. gurkha kukri point blade. The grip is buffalo horn, a brass butt, with a clever kni
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 330.00 | Estimate : 660.00 - 800.00
Frontier-Made Bowie Knife   [179236]3447 - Frontier-Made Bowie Knife [179236]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This large Bowie knife is 13.75 overall length with a 9 in. clip point blade. No maker's mark. The scales are hardwood held by three brass pins ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 330.00 | Estimate : 660.00 - 800.00
Bowie Knife Commercially Made  [179207]3448 - Bowie Knife Commercially Made [179207]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This Bowie knife is 11.75 in. long with a 7 in.blade. Clip point, with two fullers either side, full tang walnut scales mounted with two brass rivets.
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 180.00 | Estimate : 360.00 - 450.00
Bowie Knife D.E. Weiler  [177744]3449 - Bowie Knife D.E. Weiler [177744]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is a D.E. Weiler small bowie knife. Overall length is 10 in. with a 5 in. blade. This one has stag handle scales; the blade is stamped "We...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 150.00 | Estimate : 300.00 - 600.00
Bowie Knife Handmade  [179209]3450 - Bowie Knife Handmade [179209]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This Bowie knife is handmade at 12 in. overall length with a 7in. blade. It comes with a clip point and sharpened on a steel spike. The grip is solid
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 250.00 | Estimate : 500.00 - 700.00
Bowie Knife Handmade Drop Point  [179215]3451 - Bowie Knife Handmade Drop Point [179215]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This handmade Bowie knife has a drop point blade with a false edge on top. At 15 in. overall length and a 10 in. blade. The scales are hardwood and he
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 430.00 | Estimate : 860.00 - 600.00
Bowies Knife 12 in. Handmade  [179211]3452 - Bowies Knife 12 in. Handmade [179211]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This Bowie knife is handmade at 12.75 in. with an 8 in. clip point blade. The scales are of walnut held on a full tang with two brass rivets. There a
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 180.00 | Estimate : 360.00 - 500.00
Bowie Knife Handmade with Walnut Grips  [179217]3453 - Bowie Knife Handmade with Walnut Grips [179217]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This Bowie knife is 15 in. overall length with an 8 in. clip point blade. It has a radiused edge and rasp shaped walnut grip. On a short tang and meta
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 300.00 | Estimate : 600.00 - 800.00
Winchester Bowie Knife c1907  [179233]3454 - Winchester Bowie Knife c1907 [179233]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This bowie knife is made by "Winchester/ warranted/made in USA/ 1907" marked on the left side. 11.5 in. overall length with a 7 in. blade....
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 2,500.00 | Estimate : 5,000.00 - 7,000.00
Wharncliffe Blade- Handmade Knife  [179213]3455 - Wharncliffe Blade- Handmade Knife [179213]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This handmade knife is unique because it is handmade from a file and sports a Wharncliffe blade. At 8 in. overall length and a 4 in. blade. The Wharnc
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 150.00 | Estimate : 300.00 - 500.00
Unfinished Knife no Maker WRICHT2T71300  [179223]3456 - Unfinished Knife no Maker WRICHT2T71300 [179223]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This unfinished knife is 13.5 in. overall length with a 8.25 in. dagger blade that is shaped but not sharpened. A hardwood round handle with a cast br
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 100.00 | Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
Case XX 431-8 Old Forge Butcher Knife  [179225]3457 - Case XX 431-8 Old Forge Butcher Knife [179225]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This butcher knife is is marked: "Case XX/ *****431-8****". The handles are of a light colored hardwood and marked "Old Forge" h...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 500.00 | Estimate : 1,000.00 - 1,200.00
Alabama Meat Axe  [179222]3458 - Alabama Meat Axe [179222]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This Alabama meat axe was used to skin and butcher buffalo. It is 15.5 in. overall length with a 9 in. blade. It has large serrated top edge, oak han
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 500.00 | Estimate : 1,000.00 - 1,500.00
Landers, Frary & Clark Machete  [179232]3459 - Landers, Frary & Clark Machete [179232]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This machete was made by "Landers Frary & Clark" a household name for over a century. This machete is 17.25 in. overall length with a ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 3,500.00 | Estimate : 7,000.00 - 8,000.00
Green River Works Russell Knife 1840s  [179224]3460 - Green River Works Russell Knife 1840s [179224]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This knife is marked:"Russell /Green River Works".It is 12.5 in. overall length with a 6.75 in. blade. It has a pored pewter guard and the...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 300.00 | Estimate : 600.00 - 900.00
National School Butcher Knife model #329  [179229]3461 - National School Butcher Knife model #329 [179229]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This butcher knife is a National Schools model "329" marked on the left grip. However. the "Made Exclusively for/National School/Tole...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 100.00 | Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
Lance Blade Fighting Knife   [179242]3462 - Lance Blade Fighting Knife [179242]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is a lance blade fighting knife at 12.75 in. with a 8 in. blade. The handle is round hardwood with a leather thong hole a silver crush ferrell. P
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 100.00 | Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
Columbia Lance Blade Knife c1870s  [179230]3463 - Columbia Lance Blade Knife c1870s [179230]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This fighting lance blade knife made by Columbia is 14.5 in. overall length with a 9.5 in. . "Columbia" is stamped on the left wood grip....
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 50.00 | Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Ontario Knife Co. Old Hickory Butcher Knife  [179226]3464 - Ontario Knife Co. Old Hickory Butcher Knife [179226]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This butcher knife is made by "Ontario Knife Co./ true edge/ Made in the USA". It is 11.625 in. overall length with a7 in. blade. The hard...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 175.00 | Estimate : 350.00 - 500.00
Gorham Meat Carving Knife C. 1860's  [179239]3465 - Gorham Meat Carving Knife C. 1860's [179239]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
The Gorham carving knife is 13.75 in. overall length with a 9 in. drop point blade. Vintage 1860s with mother pearl grips; false edge on top one side
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 430.00 | Estimate : 860.00 - 1,000.00
German Made Butcher Knife Friedr. Herder Abr. Son Solingen   [179237]3466 - German Made Butcher Knife Friedr. Herder Abr. Son Solingen [179237]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This butcher knife is made by "Friedr. Herder Abr. Son/ Solingen-Germany". At 15.5 in. overall length and 10 in. blade. The Herder logo is...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 180.00 | Estimate : 360.00 - 500.00
Saxonia Cutlery Co. Bowie Knife  [179243]3467 - Saxonia Cutlery Co. Bowie Knife [179243]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
THis Bowie knife was made in Germany, at 10.5 in. 5.75 in. clip point blade. It has a false edge, a two piece ferrell made by Saxonia Cutlery Co. / Ge
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 130.00 | Estimate : 260.00 - 300.00
HOF-Jamestown Ca. Baseball Team  [182247]3468 - HOF-Jamestown Ca. Baseball Team [182247]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
baseball team photo of Blue & Gold Team from Jamestown, Tuolumne County, California, dated 1913. This was one of the many "Company" ba...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (100.00 + 25.00BP) = 125.00
HOF-Grover Cleveland Alexander Autograph  [181907]3469 - HOF-Grover Cleveland Alexander Autograph [181907]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Grover Cleveland Alexander, nicknamed "Old Pete" and "Alexander the Great", was an American Major League Baseball pitcher. He pl...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 600.00
Sold to D****3 for (500.00 + 125.00BP) = 625.00
HOF-Morgan Bulkeley Signed Check  [182243]3470 - HOF-Morgan Bulkeley Signed Check [182243]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Morgan Bulkeley signed check, dated March 4, 1911 and written on the Kings National Bank in Washington D.C. Morgan Gardner Bulkeley (1837 - 1922) was
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 1,500.00 | Estimate : 3,000.00 - 7,000.00
HOF- Big Ed Walsh Autograph Cut  [182249]3471 - HOF- Big Ed Walsh Autograph Cut [182249]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is an autograph cut rom one of the most dominant pitchers of the "Dead Ball" era. Edward Arthur Walsh, known as "Big Ed". H...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 800.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (250.00 + 62.50BP) = 312.50
HOF Commissioner Landis Signed Letter  [181911]3472 - HOF Commissioner Landis Signed Letter [181911]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
A typed letter signed by baseball commissioner Kenesaw Montain Landis and written to Cincinnati Baseball Club Vice President Warren Giles with regards
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (275.00 + 68.75BP) = 343.75
HOF M. Comiskey Signed Stock Cert  [182068]3473 - HOF M. Comiskey Signed Stock Cert [182068]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Chicago White Sox stock certificate issued to the one time owner of the Chicago White Sox, Dorothy Elizabeth Comiskey for 484 shares at $100 per. It...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,500.00 - 3,000.00
Sold to m*********5 for (750.00 + 187.50BP) = 937.50
HOF-Black Sox Scandal Group (4)  [182343]3474 - HOF-Black Sox Scandal Group (4) [182343]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Black Sox items include a ticket stub from Game 2 (Won by the Reds 4-2), a program from the 1919 World Series, an autograph of the journalist and writ
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 5,000.00 - 10,000.00
Sold to K*****6 for (2,200.00 + 550.00BP) = 2,750.00
HOF-Cap Anson Autograph Cut  [182083]3475 - HOF-Cap Anson Autograph Cut [182083]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Adrian Constantine "Cap" Anson autograph cut. Anson played from 1871 to 1897, when he became a manager. Anson was inducted into the Baseba...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 375.00 | Estimate : 750.00 - 1,000.00
HOF-Chicago Cubs Stock Cert Specimens (2)  [182250]3476 - HOF-Chicago Cubs Stock Cert Specimens (2) [182250]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
HOF-Stock certificate specimens (2) for the Chicago National League Ball Club, better known as the Chicago Cubs. The Cubs began in 1874 as the Chicago
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 800.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (200.00 + 50.00BP) = 250.00
HOF-Hack Wilson Signed Baseball Centennial Cover  [182252]3477 - HOF-Hack Wilson Signed Baseball Centennial Cover [182252]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Hack Wilson signed Baseball Centennial First Day Postal Cover postmarked from Cooperstown, New York dated 1939 with four baseball themed postage stamp
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 800.00 - 1,200.00
Sold to d*******f for (500.00 + 125.00BP) = 625.00
HOF-Joe Tinkers Signed Photo  [182088]3478 - HOF-Joe Tinkers Signed Photo [182088]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Joe Tinkers a 1946 Hall of Fame Inductee was part of the famous 1903 double play combination immortalized in the poem "Baseball's Sad Lexic...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,500.00 - 2,000.00
Sold to D****3 for (750.00 + 187.50BP) = 937.50
HOF-John Clarkson Cigarette Trading Card  [181901]3479 - HOF-John Clarkson Cigarette Trading Card [181901]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
John Clarkson was a pitcher for the National League Chicago White Stockings (1861-1909). He also played for the Boston Beaneaters and Cleveland Spider
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,500.00 - 2,500.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (1,250.00 + 312.50BP) = 1,562.50
HOF-John Evers Autograph Cut  [182087]3480 - HOF-John Evers Autograph Cut [182087]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Hall of Fame second baseman John Evers (1881-1947) autograph cut. John Joseph Evers was an American professional baseball second baseman and manager.
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 1,000.00 | Estimate : 2,000.00 - 4,000.00
HOF-Mordecai "Three Finger" Brown Autograph Cut  [182080]3481 - HOF-Mordecai "Three Finger" Brown Autograph Cut [182080]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Mordecai "Three Finger" Brown autograph cut with PSA certificate of authenticity. Brown had one of the more popular nicknames in baseball ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 2,500.00 | Estimate : 5,000.00 - 10,000.00
HOF-Veeck Sr Signed Check  [182245]3482 - HOF-Veeck Sr Signed Check [182245]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
William Veeck Sr. signed check to the Palmolive Company from The Chicago National League Ball Club (The Cubbies). Veeck was the president of the Cubs
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 150.00 - 250.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (75.00 + 18.75BP) = 93.75
HOF-Decatur Fans Assoc. Stock Certificate  [182265]3483 - HOF-Decatur Fans Assoc. Stock Certificate [182265]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Decatur's Fans Field stock certificate issued to a J.M. Brownback for one share, with no price per share and no date of issue. Fans Field was a...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 60.00 | Estimate : 120.00 - 200.00
HOF-Early Baseball Catalog & Souvenir Booklet & Eureka NV Ticket (3)  [182069]3484 - HOF-Early Baseball Catalog & Souvenir Booklet & Eureka NV Ticket (3) [182069]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Ken-Wel Brand Baseball uniform catalog from 1927 plus, a South Bend Athletic Association Central League Baseball Souvenir Booklet from 1905, celebrati
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 200.00 | Estimate : 400.00 - 600.00
HOF- Military Ball Game RPC 1918  [182336]3485 - HOF- Military Ball Game RPC 1918 [182336]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Fort Funston photo postcard of a baseball game at Fort Funston, Kansas. Players are on the field and doughboys crowd the stands. Inscribed: Fort Funst
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 120.00 - 200.00
Sold to m*******r for (60.00 + 15.00BP) = 75.00
HOF-Joe McGinnity Signed Season Pass  [182085]3486 - HOF-Joe McGinnity Signed Season Pass [182085]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Joe McGinnity signed 1910 season pass for the Newark Base Ball & Amusement Company. JJoseph Jerome McGinnity was an American right-handed pitche...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,000.00 - 1,500.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (1,700.00 + 425.00BP) = 2,125.00
HOF Kid Nichols Signed Souvenir Card  [181909]3487 - HOF Kid Nichols Signed Souvenir Card [181909]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Autographed souvenir card from Charles R. "Kid" Nichols. Charles “Kid” Nichols played 15 seasons in the majors and notched 362...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,200.00 - 2,000.00
Sold to m*********5 for (600.00 + 150.00BP) = 750.00
HOF-182075  [182075]3488 - HOF-182075 [182075]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
He was a player or player-manager for the Chicago White Stockings, Chicago Pirates, Boston Reds, Boston Beaneaters, Milwaukee Brewers and Philadelphia
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 600.00
Sold to V********e for (225.00 + 56.25BP) = 281.25
HOF-Herb Pennock Autograph Cut  [182079]3489 - HOF-Herb Pennock Autograph Cut [182079]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Herb Pennock autograph cut, with certificate of authenticity. Pennock was the youngest player in the American League when he made his MLB debut with t
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 600.00 - 1,200.00
Sold to V********e for (250.00 + 62.50BP) = 312.50
HOF-Red Sox First Issue Stock Cert. 1911  [182258]3490 - HOF-Red Sox First Issue Stock Cert. 1911 [182258]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Boston Red Sox stock certificate from 1911 Boston American League Base=Ball Club (The Red Sox. It is certificate #26 for one share at $100 per, issue
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,500.00 - 2,500.00
Sold to c********o.. for (650.00 + 162.50BP) = 812.50
John I. Taylor Issued Stock to Joseph Lannin 1913  [176376]3491 - John I. Taylor Issued Stock to Joseph Lannin 1913 [176376]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Boston Red Sox stock certificate #24 for 100 shares at $100 per share. What is unique about this piece is that it is signed by club president and maj
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 700.00 | Estimate : 1,400.00 - 5,000.00
Red Sox Stock Cert Issued br Jimmy McAleer-1913  [176377]3492 - Red Sox Stock Cert Issued br Jimmy McAleer-1913 [176377]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Stock certificate issued by the Boston American League Base-Ball Club (The Boston Red Sox). It is #19 for one (1) share at $100 per share. It is signe
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,400.00 - 5,000.00
Sold to c********o.. for (600.00 + 150.00BP) = 750.00
Red Sox Stock Certificates-2 (1916)  [176378]3493 - Red Sox Stock Certificates-2 (1916) [176378]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Stock certificates issued by the Boston Red Sox. One is unissued and blank, the other is #57 issued to Nelson N. Lambert for 75 shares at $199 per sha
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 500.00 | Estimate : 1,000.00 - 3,000.00
Red Sox Stock Issued to Harry Frazee-1916  [176379]3494 - Red Sox Stock Issued to Harry Frazee-1916 [176379]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Boston Red Sox stock certificate #53 for one (1) share at $100 per share issued to future team owner Harry Frazee. Lannin was famous for signing a you
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,400.00 - 5,000.00
Sold to m*********5 for (650.00 + 162.50BP) = 812.50
HOF- Memorial Cover Only Player Killed in WWI  [182257]3495 - HOF- Memorial Cover Only Player Killed in WWI [182257]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Memorial cover commemorating Edward L. Grant, the only major league ballplayer to be killed in action in World War I. grant played in the Eastern Lea
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to V********e for (80.00 + 20.00BP) = 100.00
HOF-Rare Baseball Token 1858  [182246]3496 - HOF-Rare Baseball Token 1858 [182246]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Rare baseball token from the Pioneer Baseball Club of Springfield, Mass. The obverse shows a batsman surrounded by the legend "Pioneer Base Bal...
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 600.00 - 800.00
Sold to l*****p for (1,000.00 + 250.00BP) = 1,250.00
HOF Sam Crawford Autograph Cut  [181913]3497 - HOF Sam Crawford Autograph Cut [181913]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
Samuel E. Crawford autograph cut signed when he was a teammate with Ty Cobb on the Detroit Tigers (1903-1917). Crawford still holds the record for mos
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 800.00 - 1,200.00
Sold to 8********l.. for (425.00 + 106.25BP) = 531.25
HOF Ty Cobb Signed & Commented Stat Sheet  [182063]3498 - HOF Ty Cobb Signed & Commented Stat Sheet [182063]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
This is a stat list put out by the Elias Baseball Bureau called "The Little Red Book of Major League Baseball" circa 1958. It lists all-t...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 750.00 | Estimate : 1,500.00 - 6,000.00
HOF-Lady Baseball Team RPC-Circa 1900  [182269]3499 - HOF-Lady Baseball Team RPC-Circa 1900 [182269]
Holabird Western Americana Collections
RPC of the Western Bloomers baseball club, who won the Ladies championship in 1911. Formed by Clementina Brida, an Italian immigrant, who became the p
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 120.00 - 200.00
Sold to m****y for (80.00 + 20.00BP) = 100.00